The display shows CODE
The status indicator on the
controller card repeatedly
flashes six times
The display shows CODE
The status indicator on the
controller card repeatedly
flashes eight times
The display shows CODE
The status indicator on the
controller card repeatedly
flashes ten times
The display shows CODE 12
The status indicator on the
controller card repeatedly
flashes twelve times
Original instruction
Allow the sprayer
NOTE: The motor must cool down for this test.
to cool down. If
1. Check the overheating protection connector (yellow wires) on the
the sprayer then
controller card.
runs, eliminate
2. Disconnect the overheating protection connector from the socket
the cause of over-
on the controller card. Make sure the contacts are clean and unda-
heating. Move
maged. Measure the overheating protection resistance. If the mea-
the sprayer to a
sured value is not normal, replace the motor.
cooler location
Check the thermostat: disconnect the thermostat wires (yellow) at
with good venti-
the connector. Set your multimeter to ohms: the resistance should
lation. Make sure
be 3.9 kohms.
that the motor
intake is not blo-
cked. If the spra-
yer still does not
start up, follow
step 1.
3. Reconnect the overheating protection connector to the socket on
the controller card. Reconnect the power cable; switch the spray
device ON, and turn the pressure regulator knob clockwise half a
turn. Replace the controller card if the spray gun still does not start
Check the power
1. Switch the spraying device OFF and unplug the power cable from
supply on the
the device.
spraying device
2. Disconnect any other devices connected to the same power cir-
(the supply vol-
tage is too low
3. Locate a power supply that is working properly to avoid damage
to operate the
to the electronics.
spraying device).
Check the con-
1. Make sure that the motor intake is not blocked.
troller card for
2. Make sure that the motor fan is not damaged.
3. Make sure that the controller card is correctly connected to the
backplane and that thermal compound has been applied to the
4. Replace the controller.
5. Replace motor
Overcurrent pro-
1. Switch the power off and back on.
tection activated.