4. Short press button and MOTOR HOURS scrolls past
and then total motor run hours are displayed.
5. Short press button. LAST CODE scrolls by and last
code is displayed; e.g. E = 07 (see troubleshooting).
QuickClean cleaning adapter to efficiently clean STORCH Airless devices
The QuickClean adapter requires a water connection, a
water hose with connection coupling (e.g. Gardena) and a
bucket to collect the dirty water.
Proceed as follows:
Original instruction
1. Ensure the Airless
gun trigger has been
locked and the rever-
sing tip has been
removed from the tip
2. Remove the vacu-
um hose from the
container and clean it
(including vacuum fil-
ter) on the outside with
water or a compatible
solvent. Unscrew the
vacuum filter from the
vacuum pipe and clean
the container.
6. Press and hold button to clear code to zero.
7. Short press to move to SOFTWARE REV.
8. Short press button. MOTOR ID RESISTOR scrolls by
and model code number.
3. Screw the cleaning
adapter onto the thread
of the vacuum pipe.
4. Connect the water
hose to the cleaning
adapter and the water
connection using the
connection coupling.
5. Turn the pressure
governor in anti-clock-
wise direction to the
lowest position, up to
the mechanical stop.