1/4-inch Phone Plug
1/4-inch T.R.S. Phone Plug
XLR Plug
23. Mon 1 and Mon 2 Controls
The Mon 1 and Mon 2 controls are post-EQ and pre-fader; the audio signal is sent to the
respective Mon Send masters and Monitor Out jacks.
24. EFX Control
The EFX control sends post-EQ, post-fader channel signal to the EFX Send Master
and Internal Effects processor.
25. Aux Control
The Aux control sends post-EQ, post-fader signal to the Aux Send Master and Aux Send jack.
26. Bal Control
The Balance control affects the main-mix balance going to the L&R masters.
27. MUTE Switch
The Mute Switch disconnects the specified channel from all outputs. The channel
can still be monitored through the Phones and on the VU-Meter when the Solo is
activated in PFL mode.
The Clip LED indicates the channel's signal capacity has been exceeded; reduce the Gain
setting if continuously illuminated.
The Act (Activity) LED pulses with the input signal to indicate channel Activity
30. SOLO Switch
Use the Solo switch to isolate the channel through the headphone (Phones) amplifier
and on the VU-Meter.
31. Channel Fader
The channel fader sends channel output to the L&R Masters and to the Media outputs.
Buss Inputs & Outputs
32. Sends
The ¼-inch EFX and Aux unbalanced mono outputs are controlled by their respective
Send masters. Unbalanced cables can be used.
33. Returns
The ¼-inch L&R pairs of inputs (bal/unbal) are con-
trolled by their respective EFX and Aux Rtn channels.
34. Power AMP IN Jacks
The Power AMP A IN and Power AMP B IN jacks are direct
inputs to the built-in power amplifiers. They are referred to
as A and B rather than left and right simply because it is
possible to power both main PA speakers with one amplifier
channel and monitors with the other. This can be accom-
plished by selecting the Main/Mon position on the selector
switch located above the Main and Monitor faders In the
Left/Right position, Power AMP A receives the left signal
while Power AMP B receives the right signal. In the Main/
Mon position, Power AMP A receives a mono sum of left and right signals while Power AMP B
receives the monitor signal. An alternative use for the Power AMP A IN and Power AMP B IN
jacks would be as patching inputs. Since they're switching jacks if you plug into one (or both)
the internal signal flow will be interrupted. This interrupts the signal from the PM2012 mixer
to the built-in power amplifiers allowing you to insert signal control devices such as an élite