Controlling the IRmax
Controlling the IRmax
9.5.1 Adjust the zero output (TRIM)
It may be necessary to adjust the output level from the IRmax when no gas is present (e.g.
if 0% LEL is indicated on the display), but the output is registered at the controller as 4.1
mA instead of 4.0mA. Select the TRIM option to make the correction. This will not affect
the gas calibration.
Press the 'Enter' key to display the current analogue output.
Use the 'Up' and 'Down' keys to adjust the reading.
If the operation times out before the change is accepted, the analogue output will revert
to the original value.
Click the 'Enter' key to accept the change.
As the output changes, the display's reading of the analogue output may take a few
seconds to settle down to the new level. Check that the trim is now at the correct value by
reading the zero value of the analogue output at the control panel.