3 Specials Functions
First of all, press (i) to enter on the navigation menu.
Choose the "Specials functions" line and press (Ok).
In this menu you will found the extra function of the installation like
Anti freeze, Holliday and Stop.
3.1 Holidays
To enter in the "Holidays" menu, select the line with the arrow cursor
and press (OK). This following display must be appears.
- Press (OK) to start blinking the date, then you can adjust the date
of your comeback with (◄-) or (►+).
- Press once again on the (Ok) to choose the working mode for this
period with (◄-) or (►+) and press (Ok) to valid your adjustments.
The following screen with your comeback date and working mode
must be appears:
Specials Functions
Anti Freeze
Holidays until the
27 / 04 / 2009
27 / 04 / 2009