582 The MU controller failed to lock for WFDAC (série 33600 uniquement)
582 The SYNC controller failed to lock for WFDAC (série 33600 uniquement)
600 Internal licensing error
601 License file corrupt or empty
602 No valid licenses found for this instrument
603 Some licenses could not be installed
604 License not found
605 License already installed
La plupart des codes d'erreur compris entre 600 et 699 se rapportent à des erreurs d'autotest. Pour
plus d'informations, reportez-vous à la section
701 Calibration error; security defeated by hardware jumper
702 Calibration error; calibration memory is secured
703 Calibration error; secure code provided was invalid
704 Calibration error: secure code too long
705 Calibration error; calibration aborted
706 Calibration error; provided value is out of range
707 Calibration error: computed correction factor out of range
707 Calibration error; signal input is out of range
708 Calibration error: signal measurement out of range
709 Calibration error: no calibration for this function/range
710 Calibration error: full scale correction out of range
710 Self-calibration failed
711 Calibration error: calibration string too long
711 Self-calibration failed
712 Calibration failed
712 Self-calibration failed
715 Self-calibration failed
720 Self-calibration failed
740 Calibration data lost: secure state
741 Calibration data lost: string data
742 Calibration data lost: corrections
748 Calibration memory write failure
770 Nonvolatile arb waveform memory corruption detected
781 Not enough memory to store new arb waveform; bad sectors
Guide d'utilisation et de maintenance Agilent Série Trueform
Messages d'erreur SCPI