Messages d'erreur SCPI
selected arb is missing, changing selection to default
selecting a sequence turned off modulation
sequences not supported, changing selection to default
signal exceeds high limit. Limits disabled
signal exceeds low limit. Limits disabled
Skew time between channels not available in Burst, Modulation, or Sweep
sum amplitude exceeds limit or range. Sum disabled
SUM turned off by selection of other mode or modulation
Sweep + Hold + Return time larger than trigger TIMER. Trig timer increased.
Sweep + Hold + Return time max (8000s) limited time setting.
Sweep + Hold + Return time max (8000s) limited time setting.
Sweep + Hold + Return time too large for IMM or TIMER trigger. Sweep turned off.
Sweep + Hold + Return time too large for IMM or TIMER trigger. Trig source unchanged.
Sweep time reduced due to log sweep setting.
sweep turned off by selection of other mode or modulation
Tracking turned off by selection of USER function or modulation source
trailing edge decreased due to leading edge
trailing edge time decreased due to period
trailing edge time decreased due to pulse width
trailing edge times decreased due to pulse duty cycle
trigger delay reduced to fit entire burst
trigger output connector used by BPSK
trigger output connector used by burst gate
trigger output connector used by FSK
trigger output connector used by trigger external
trigger output disabled
trigger output disabled by trigger external
Trigger source limited the sweep time; value clipped to upper limit
triggered burst not available for noise
turned off infinite burst to allow immediate trigger source
Use FUNC:ARB to select an ARB before selecting ARB as modulation function. Function unchanged.
Use FUNC:ARB to select an ARB before selecting ARB as modulation function. Modulation disabled.
Use FUNC:USER to select a user arb before selecting USER as modulation function. Function unchanged.
Guide d'utilisation et de maintenance Agilent Série Trueform