Agilent Technologies Trueform Série Guide D'utilisation Et De Maintenance page 465

Table des Matières


USER setting only valid for channel 1
value clipped to dwell time's lower limit
value clipped to dwell time's upper limit
value clipped to lower limit
value clipped to sweep time's lower limit
value clipped to upper limit
value limited due to coupling
-222 List Data out of range; Arb frequency : Mode is changed to Normal (série 33600 uniquement)
-222 List Data out of range; Pulse frequency : Mode is changed to Normal
-222 List Data out of range; Ramp frequency : Mode is changed to Normal
-222 List Data out of range; Sine frequency : Mode is changed to Normal
-222 List Data out of range; Square frequency : Mode is changed to Normal
-222 List Data out of range; User frequency : Mode is changed to Normal
-221 Setting the advance mode to trigger forced the trigger source to external.
-221 Setting the Arb Filter OFF changed the maximum sample rate value to 6.25e7.
-221 Setting the trigger source changed the arb advance mode.
-221 Settings conflict;
50V input range not compatible with 50 ohm input impedance; impedance set to 1 Mohm
AM depth forced amplitude change
AM turned off by selection of other mode or modulation
amplitude changed due to function
amplitude changed due to offset
amplitude units changed to Vpp due to high-Z load
amplitude units changed to Vpp, dBm and Vrms not applicable to arb sequences
amplitude units unchanged, dBm and Vrms not applicable to arb sequences
arb advance changed to SRATE due to filter (série 33600 uniquement)
arb advance changed to SRATE due to mode
arb voltage reduced due to output load or limits
Balance gain limited due to amplitude
Balance offset changed due to amplitude
both edge times decreased due to period
both edge times decreased due to pulse duty cycle
both edge times decreased due to pulse width
Guide d'utilisation et de maintenance Agilent Série Trueform
Messages d'erreur SCPI


Table des Matières

Table des Matières