Operating the unit
3. Now release the Start button and keep the Measurement button
pressed until the input is confirmed with a beep.
Please note! If you hold down the Start button for too long with-
out pressing the Measurement button, a new cycle will be started.
It is only possible to input LH or cervical mucus information on the
middle days of a cycle.
cyclotest® baby makes no distinction between whether you are ob-
serving the LH concentration or cervical mucus. You can only input one
of the two. We recommend that you use cyclotest® Ovulation Test if
you want to have a baby.
Pinpointing the highly fertile phase through the combined interpre-
tation of temperature and hormone information has already helped
many couples in fulfilling their wish to have a baby. The symptother-
mal method has had successful results even in cases that seem hope-