Operating the unit
If you break off the measurement too early, the unit will alert you with
3 short beeps that it was unable to store a measurement result because
the warm-up phase was not completed. In this case, please measure
again and remove the sensor only when you have heard a long beep.
cyclotest® baby takes care of everything else in the background.
Proceed as in the first cycle when inputting a new cycle start and dur-
ing the measurements.
Easy use in 3 steps!
1. On the first day of your period press the Cycle Start button until it
2. On the next morning of your cycle, directly after waking up and be-
fore getting up, measure your wake-up temperature. Put the sensor
in your mouth and place it in one of the pockets under the tongue,
press the Measurement button briefly and wait until it beeps.
3. Read off fertility status
Highly fertile phase
Fertile phase
Infertile phase
Note: The measurement period of +/- 2 hours is automatically es-
tablished for the current cycle with the first measurement on the
morning after the cycle start input.
Fig. no. 4