Measuring principle
CLINOMETER No 80 depends up on a high precision worm drive to assure mechanical dividing
accuracy. Backlash of the mechanical system is minimised by spring loading of both, the contact
between worm and gear wheel and the bearing (ball seat) of the worm shaft.
The worm gear is designed with 360 teeth thereby providing a relationship of 1 turn on the worm
being even to 1 degree advancement on the worm gear and consequently on the vial body of the
A hub assembly incorporating the worm gear and the vial body is equipped with a graduated
disc. This graduation starting from zero and running to both sides up to 180 arc.deg. is visual
through a window in the Clinometers body and may be read against an index.
The top end of the worm shaft protrudes the Clinometers body and provides tapered seating and
locking thread for a graduated micrometer drum. The micrometer drum is graduated with
60 increments, therefore provides reading capability down to 1 min. of arc.
The master vial is graduated for a sensitivity of 0.3 mm/m which is close to 1 min. arc. to provide
compatibility of reading on the micrometer drum as well as on the vial graduation.
The vial axis is also aligned in the secondary axis for minimum cross talk. The reference for this
alignment is the V- groove when such a base is installed, if not, the reference is the facing
surface of the base or - if no base is mounted - the front face of the housing.
Operating elements
The graduated micrometer drum is used to read min. arc. against the index provided. Operation
of the micrometer device shall always be in the direction of the raising micrometer scale before
A knurled ring mounted to the protruding hub provides the grip for fast advancement of the main
scale (rough setting). To make use of this feature, release the coupling of the gear drive by
pressing the spring loaded worm shaft with the micrometer drum towards the side of the housing.
Take care that the gear drive is properly disengaged while advancing the hub and
carefully reengage the drive as otherwise the precision cut worm wheel teeth may be
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