Minute corrections are possible by moving the index of the micrometer (plate with slotted screw
holes). To correct larger amounts proceed as follows:
Before executing a correction, please make sure that no measuring error ocurred.
Large corrections should normally not be necessary except after repairs, which may
result from a damage, or due to lose fitting of the micrometer drum or of the vial
Grip the knurled part of the micrometer drum with a padded pliers and loosen the
retainer nut (metric spanner 13 mm) by ½ turn.
Disengage the gear drive. With a light plastic hammer knock the cap of the retainer
nut until the micrometer drum brakes free of the mounting cone. Take care to keep
the gear drive disengaged completely during this operation otherwise you risk to
destroy the precision drive.
Set the index to mid position, turn the micrometer shaft in the direction of raising
scale until the bubble is centred on the vial. Place the zero graduation of the
micrometer drum in alignment with the index and retighten the retainer nut.
For further minute adjustments shift the index accordingly.
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