11. Instructions relevant to the radio range
Ranges and disturbances
• The product works in the 868MHz range which is also used by other radio services. This
is why there may be a restrictive operation and range due to devices that work on the same
or a neighbouring frequency.
• The actual attainable distance between transmitter (exterior unit) and receiver (base
station) in normal operation is heavily dependent on installation site/place of installation
and the existing ambient conditions.
Normally, proper operation without problems with radio reception should be possible in eg,
a detached house.
Causes for reduced ranges:
• Any high frequency interferences
• Proximity to electrical/electronical devices (eg television)
• Any kind of housing and vegetation
• Conductive metal parts which are located near the units or within or near their transmission
path, e.g. heaters, metallized insulation glass windows, reinforced concrete ceilings etc.
• Influence on the radiation pattern of antennas caused by the distance from the sender or
the receiver to conductive surfaces or objects (to human bodies or ground also)
• Broadband interference in urban areas which reduces the signal-to-noise-ratio; the signal
will not be recognized due to this "noise"
• Interference radiation resulting from insufficiently shielded electronics, e.g. turned on
computers or the like.