for all models
You can use disposable cylinder, complete with adjust valve. It is also necessary to use the calibration kit
Tecnocontrol model TC011 (for non-corrosive gases) or TC014 (Stainless steel).
"INSTRUMENT OPERATION CHECK" (Check Code: F2, F2, F1, F1): this function allows to effect a functional test
of the equipment. After having inserted the " Check Code ", all LEDs are switched off. Then LEDs will switch on in
sequence, from the yellow up to the red. At the end all the LEDs will remain lighted for around 5 seconds, and then
the detector returns at the conditions of normal operation. It is advisable to perform this operation every 12 months
according to the use. Note: this function is not working if the red LED is already switched on.
"CALIBRATION CHECK" (no Code required): using the gas mixture indicated above, this function is used to control
the correct response to the gas and can be made before or after the " Calibration " or the installation. But it should be
done during the periodic maintenances, to verify the effective functioning of the detector.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is recommended to carry out the verification of the Zero, then the Span (Full Scale), only if
the result of one or both tests is negative, proceed first with the ZERO Calibration and then to the SPAN calibration .
Insert the TC011 (or TC014) over the sensor holder, adjust the sample gas bottle valve as the flow meter indicates
around 0.3÷0.5 l/mins
fig.2) the value reach the mV value as shown in
indicated in
7. The central unit should be display about the as indicated in
perform the "Zero Calibration" and then " SPAN Calibration". Then, close the gas bottle; remove TC011 (or TC014).
Then, the mA output will slowly decrease up to 4mA.
Example if you have to verify a TS282IC2-H model with 5000ppm CO
mA output will be 4.0 mA (corresponding about to 40 mV measured on "TESTmV"). Then using a cylinder with
5000ppm CO
in nitrogen, the mA output will be approximately 20.0 mA (±0.5mA) (corresponding vale from 195 to
205mV measured on " TESTmV").
Consider that during these operations, the mA output will become 0 mA. You cannot perform these steps if
the LED is yellow. In this case, replace the "Cartridge Sensor".
In addition, should be considered as, the situations indicated in the following notes.
Note 1 - to guarantee that no errors of elaboration happen, the possibility exists that during the Calibration the yel-
low LED switch off every 8 seconds, (the system cannot read the sensor cartridge data) in this case interrupt the procedure,
switch off and switch on the instrument and repeat the Calibration. If condition persists it will be necessary to re-
placing the sensor cartridge or send the detector to the supplier for the reparation.
Note 2 - Yellow and green LED illuminates: the calibration routine is correct. Wait 8 seconds, until the instru-
ment automatically restores the normal working conditions.
Note 3 - Yellow LED illuminates: the routine has failed. In this case, wait 8 seconds, the device returns to read
the sensor data cartridge with a flashing red LED, up to the stability, so it is ready for a new calibration attempt, re-
peat the "Calibration" by pressing F2. If the error condition persists, try to turn off and turn on the unit, or replace the
"Cartridge Sensor".
Note 4 - It is possible to exit at any time from the calibration function by pressing the F1 and F2 keys, in this way
the system returns to normal operation.
"ZERO CALIBRATION" (ZERO Calibration Code: F2, F1, F2, F2, F1, F2): this function is to calibrate the Zero sen-
sor and can be done with Pure Zero Air cylinder, ie with less than 5 ppm CO
Use the buttons to perform the " Zero Calibration Code ". Wait until the yellow and green LED switch on fix and the red
LED starts to flash. Insert the TC011 ( or TC014 ) on the sensor holder and adjust the gas flow so that the flow meter
indicates around from 0.3 to 0.5 l/mins (
Wait around 6 minutes, until the red LED lights (and while it is ON), press the key F2 and hold it pressed until the red
LED is switched off for at least 2 seconds. (But if the red LED continues to blink more than 8-9 minutes means that
the gas flow is not constant or insufficient, or the concentration is not as required. Press F1 and F2 together to exit
calibration. Then, close the gas cylinder and remove TC011. At this point we can have two possibilities:
Yellow and green LED illuminates: the calibration routine is correct, see
Yellow LED illuminates: the routine has failed, see
Wait 5 to 10 minutes, to allow the sensor to stabilize in air and then if required proceed to:
"SPAN CALIBRATION" (SPAN Calibration Code: F2, F2, F2, F1, F2, F1): this function allows completely recalibrate
the sensor using the CO
With the keys perform the "SPAN Calibration Code". Wait until the yellow and green LED switch on fix and the red
LED starts to flash. Insert the TC011 (or TS014) on the sensor holder and adjust the gas flow so that the flow meter
indicates around from 0.3 to 0.5 l/mins
press the key F2 and hold it pressed until the red LED is switched off for at least 2 seconds (but if the red LED con-
tinues to blink more than 8-9 minutes means that the gas flow is not constant or insufficient, or the concentration is
not as required. Press F1 and F2 together to exit calibration. Then, close the gas cylinder and remove TC011 (or
TC014). At this point we can have two possibilities:
Yellow and green LED illuminates: the calibration routine is correct, see
Yellow LED illuminates: the routine has failed, see
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
Sample Gas Cylinder for ZERO Calibration
Pure Zero Air (less than 5 ppm CO
Fig.3), verify with a voltmeter connected to the Test-Point "TESTmV" (TP1 and TP2),
see Fig.3
gas mixture indicated above, according to the model of the detector.
Fig.3). Wait around 6 minutes, until the red LED lights (and while it is ON),
Table 3 on column 6
[corresponding to mA output value (±0.5mA) as
FS, using a cylinder with Pure Zero Air, the
Available on request
8]. If the result is different,
Tel. +39 02 26922890 - Fax +39 02 2133734