Connection J21
Accessories and Options Interconnections
J21 connectors
The 120 Vac, 1 A maximum (independent of line
Voltage) output Voltage is present when the main
power switch is set to 1 position and after START push-
button is pressed and will remain present until a fault
condition is displayed on the front panel display or the
turbopump is stopped.
The connector J21 is a power output for vent device,
forepump relay coils.
To make connections, remove the plug and wire the
pins (maximum wire size 18 AWG, 1 mm²) as indicated
in the figure to obtain the desired capability.
Forepump relay coil is an independent user supplied
The Controller can be read when set in the
Front/Remote mode, (read window only enabled), while
it can be written to and read when set in the Serial
mode (write window enabled).
Serial Port Installation
An optional RS 232/422/485 kit is available for both
models. To install it, proceed as follows:
Switch off the power and disconnect the power
Unscrew the cover screws and remove the cover.
On rear panel, remove the connector plate, and
then secure connectors J13 to the frame using the
turrets provided.
Attach the interface board connector to connector
P6 on the controller and then secure it in place
using screw A (3x6), which is not provided.
Insert the flat cable B through the rear panel and
plug it into the socket P1 located on the Interface
Restore the main board into its original position.
Install and tighten the connector screws and turrets.
Replace the cover.
Serial port connector installation
Serial Communication Port J13
Communication serial port connections and mini- mum
connection configuration are shown in the following
figures. The communication port mating connector is
supplied with the RS 232 PCB (AMP/Cannon or
equivalent 9-pin "D" type male connector). The external
cable (not supplied) between the host computer and
the controller does not require crossed wires so that
signals are connected correctly .
For example, the Transmit data signal from controller
(pin 2) must be connected to the host computer's
Receive data line (pin 2) and vice versa. Consult the
host computer's instruction manual for its serial port
regulations for radiated emissions unless all external
wiring is shielded, with the shield being terminated to
the metal shroud on the O-subconnector. The cable
should be secured to the connector with screws.
87-900-913-01 (M)