12. Remove the lid and stir the rice before serving. The lid
hanger may be placed into the hole in the handle with
the lip of the lid resting on the condensation catcher to
keep water off of the countertop (a).
caution: When removing the lid, lift away from your body
as you may get burned with the hot steam.
13. Unplug the unit when finished.
veGetaBle SteamiNG
1. The steamer basket holds up to 8 cups of cut-up vegetables.
2. Fill the cooking bowl with about 1-1/2 cups (12 fl. oz./350 ml) of water, using
a standard measuring cup.
3. Place the vegetables in the steamer basket and position the basket on top of the
cooking bowl.
4. Place the lid on the rice cooker.
5. Insert plug into wall outlet and push down the on switch.
6. Steaming times vary according to vegetable type. Begin checking vegetables for
doneness after initial 5 minutes. You may need to experiment to suit your taste.
7. Unplug the unit when finished.
Note: When steaming vegetables or other foods without rice in the cooking bowl, the unit
will not switch to the keep warm mode.
if desired, add seasonings and oil or butter with rice before adding water.
allow rice to rest on warm at least minutes before serving.
Rice cooKiNG Guide
FoR WHite loNG GRaiN, JaSmiNe, BaSmati, yelloW oR medium GRaiN Rice
oF Rice
oF WateR
2 rice measuring cups
to 2 mark
3 rice measuring cups
to 3 mark
4 rice measuring cups
to 4 mark
5 rice measuring cups
to 5 mark
6 rice measuring cups
to 6 mark
7 rice measuring cups
to 7 mark
8 rice measuring cups
to 8 mark
9 rice measuring cups
to 9 mark
10 rice measuring cups
to 10 mark
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
iN 8 oZ.
16 to 20 minutes
4 to 5 cups
18 to 24 minutes
5 to 6 cups
20 to 26 minutes
7 to 10 cups
24 to 28 minutes
10 to 12 cups
26 to 30 minutes
12 to 14 cups
28 to 34 minutes
14 to 16 cups
30 to 36 minutes
15 to 19 cups
30 to 38 minutes
16 to 21 cups
31 to 40 minutes
18 to 24 cups
oF Rice
oF WateR
FoR BRoWN Rice
2 rice measuring cups
to 2 mark
3 rice measuring cups
to 3 mark
4 rice measuring cups
to 4 mark
5 rice measuring cups
to 5 mark
6 rice measuring cups
to 6 mark
7 rice measuring cups
to 7 mark
8 rice measuring cups
to 8 mark
9 rice measuring cups
to 9 mark
10 rice measuring cups
to 10 mark
FoR WHite paRBoiled (oR coNveRted) Rice
2 rice measuring cups
to 2 mark
3 rice measuring cups
to 3 mark
4 rice measuring cups
to 4 mark
5 rice measuring cups
to 5 mark
6 rice measuring cups
to 6 mark
7 rice measuring cups
to 7 mark
8 rice measuring cups
to 8 mark
9 rice measuring cups
to 9 mark
10 rice measuring cups
to 10 mark
FoR Small GRaiN (oR peaRl) Rice
2 rice measuring cups
to 2 mark
3 rice measuring cups
to 3 mark
4 rice measuring cups
to 4 mark
5 rice measuring cups
to 5 mark
6 rice measuring cups
to 6 mark
7 rice measuring cups
to 7 mark
8 rice measuring cups
to 8 mark
9 rice measuring cups
to 9 mark
10 rice measuring cups
to 10 mark
iN 8 oZ.
38 to 42 minutes
2 to 2½ cups
40 to 42 minutes
41/2 to 5½ cups
40 to 45 minutes
9 to 10 cups
40 to 46 minutes
10 to 11 cups
46 to 48 minutes
13 to 14½ cups
48 to 52 minutes
14 to 16 cups
48 to 56 minutes
16 to 18½ cups
50 to 60 minutes
17 to 20 cups
52 to 62 minutes
21 to 23 cups
20 to 27 minutes
2½ to 3½ cups
25 to 27 minutes
5 to 6 cups
26 to 30 minutes
8½ to 9½ cups
27 to 31 minutes
10 to 11 cups
28 to 32 minutes
12 to 14 cups
32 to 36 minutes
14 to 16 cups
32 to 38 minutes
16 to 17 cups
32 to 40 minutes
17 to 19 cups
33 to 40 minutes
18 to 20 cups
18 to 22 minutes
3½ to 4½ cups
22 to 24 minutes
5 to 6 cups
23 to 24 minutes
6½ to 7½ cups
24 to 26 minutes
10 to 11 cups
28 to 31 minutes
12 to 13 cups
31 to 34 minutes
14 to 15 cups
33 to 35 minutes
16 to 17 cups
34 to 36 minutes
17 to 19 cups
35 to 37 minutes
20 to 22 cups