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All manuals and user guides at uso e manutenzione use and maintenance emploi et entretien FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV Benutz und Wartungsanleitung uso y mantenimiento uso e manutenção FGI/4 - FGI/6 - FGI/9 использованиe и...
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All manuals and user guides at RACCOMANDAZIONI PER IL LETTORE Prima di mettere in esercizio l'apparecchiatura, è necessario leggere e comprendere tutto il contenuto del manuale di istruzioni. Si raccomanda di leggere le disposizioni di sicurezza e di rispettarle rigorosamente.
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All manuals and user guides at INDICE INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA Scopo del manuale .........3 Identificazione costruttore e apparecchiatura ........3 Modalità di richiesta assistenza ....4 Disposizioni di sicurezza......4 Disposizioni di sicurezza per alimentazione a GAS ......5 Segnali di sicurezza e informazione ..7 Disposizioni per disimballo, movimentazione e installazione ....8 FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Lingua Italiana...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA SCOPO DEL MANUALE – Il manuale d'uso e manutenzione, che è parte integrante dell'apparecchiatura, è stato realizzato dal costruttore nella propria lingua originale per fornire le informazioni neces- sarie a coloro che sono autorizzati ad interagire con l'apparecchiatura nell'arco della sua vita prevista.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA L'apparecchiatura viene immessa nel mercato con riportata la sigla del gas di rete con cui il costruttore ha effettuato il collaudo. Se il gas di rete non corrisponde a quello del collaudo, l'installatore, prima di effet- tuare l'allacciamento alla rete di alimentazione del gas, dovrà...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA – Utilizzare l'apparecchiatura solo per gli usi previsti. L'impiego dell'apparecchiatu- ra per usi impropri e diversi da quelli consentiti può causare rischi per la sicurez- za e la salute delle persone e danni economici. –...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA – Non utilizzare l'apparecchiatura con i tubi di alimentazione del gas non integri ed effi- cienti. Appena si riscontra una difettosità, arrestare immediatamente l'apparecchiatura in condizioni di sicurezza e far sostituire i tubi da parte di personale autorizzato e quali- ficato.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAZIONI GENERALI E SICUREZZA SEGNALI DI SICUREZZA E INFORMAZIONE Sull'apparecchiatura, in corrispondenza della zone in cui esistono dei RISCHI RESI- DUI, sono applicati dei segnali di sicurezza che informano sul rischio corrispondente. Le illustrazioni raffigurano i segnali di sicurezza e informazione applicati sull'apparec- chiatura.
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All manuals and user guides at DISPOSIZIONI PER DISIMBALLO, MOVIMENTAZIONE E INSTALLAZIONE – L'apparecchiatura viene consegnata imballata in un apposito contenitore e, se necessa- rio, viene opportunamente stabilizzata con materiale antiurto per assicurare la sua inte- grità. In funzione delle caratteristiche dell'apparecchiatura, del luogo di destinazione e del mezzo di trasporto da utilizzare, per facilitare la movimentazione l'imballo può...
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All manuals and user guides at - 9 - Lingua Italiana...
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– I modelli FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV sono equipaggiati con un quadro comandi di tipo analogico, mentre i modelli FMD sono equipaggiati con uno di tipo digi- tale.
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B) Porta forno: è equipaggiata con un'apertura di ispezione , realizzata in materiale pirex (solo per modello FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL-MICROV). C) Vano di trattamento: è equipaggiato con un piano di cottura in materiale refrattario e con resistenze elettriche.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA) Tabella 2: Dati tecnici dell'apparecchiatura FML Unità di FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Descrizione misura Dimensioni imballo 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 Peso netto Unità di FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Descrizione misura Potenza 13,2...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA) Tabella 4: Dati tecnici dell'apparecchiatura FES Unità di FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Descrizione misura Potenza 14,4 Alimentazione elettrica V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz Temperatura di utilizzo °C 50÷500 Dimensioni vano di 660x660x140 660x995x140 660x660x140...
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Apparecchiature modello FME - FML-FES-FYL-MICROV A) Termometro: indica la tempera- tura media all'interno del vano di trattamento dell'apparecchiatu- ra (solo per modello FME-FML). B) Termoregolatore: serve per re- golare la temperatura delle resi- stenze elettriche della zona superiore del vano di trattamento dell'apparecchiatura.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA) Apparecchiature modello FMD H) Pulsante: serve per definire lo stato di funzionamento dell'ap- parecchiatura. Posizione ON: funzionamento apparecchiatura attivato. Posizione STAND-BY: funziona- mento apparecchiatura disatti- vato. riavvio, l'apparecchiatura riparte con i dati memorizzati dell'ultima cot- tura effettuata.
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MINI è equipaggiato solo con tre termoregolatori. – I termoregolatori posizionati nella parte superiore ed inferiore del quadro comandi svolgo- no le stesse funzioni dei termoregolatori (B-D) (modello FME -FML-FES-FYL-MICROV). – Il termoregolatore posizionato nella parte centrale serve per regolare la temperatura del- la resistenza elettrica inferiore (vano superiore) e della resistenza elettrica superiore (vano inferiore).
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4 - Aprire la porta del forno. 5 - Introdurre il prodotto alimentare all'interno del vano di trattamento. 6 - Controllare la cottura attraverso l'apposita apertura di ispezione (modello FME-FML- FES-FYL-MICROV) o con l'apertura della porta del forno (modello MINI).
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA) Impostazione tempo di cottura 1 - Controllare che l'apparecchiatura sia attivata (ON). 2 - Premere il pulsante (Q) per abilitare l'impostazione del tempo di cottura. Sul display (Q1) compare il tempo impostato ed il led (Q2) lampeggia per segnalare che, entro 4 secondi, è...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA) – Pulire accuratamente il piano di lavoro e tutte le zone circostanti. – Pulire le superfici esterne dell'apparecchiatura con un panno umido o con una spugna. Cautela - Avvertenza Effettuare le operazioni di pulizia esclusivamente con prodotti detergenti per uso alimentare.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) DESCRIZIONE GENERALE APPARECCHIATURA – Il forno è un'apparecchiatura alimentata a gas ( GPL o metano), progettata e costruita per cuocere pizze e prodotti alimentari di gastronomia, destinati all'alimentazione delle persone.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) A) Quadro comandi: è equipaggiato con i dispositivi di comando necessari per far fun- zionare l'apparecchiatura (vedi "Descrizione comandi"). B) Porta forno: è equipaggiata con un'apertura di ispezione , realizzata in materiale pirex (solo per modello ).
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) DESCRIZIONE COMANDI L'apparecchiatura è equipaggiata con i dispositivi di comando elen- cati, necessari per attivare le sue funzioni principali. A) Termoregolatore: serve per rego- lare la temperatura. Premere il tasto (A1) e contempo- raneamente il tasto (A2) o (A3), per diminuire o aumentare il valore.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) ALLACCIAMENTO SCARICO GAS COMBUSTI Allacciamento alla canna fumaria a tiraggio naturale – Montare il raccordo antivento (G) (fornito a richiesta) al camino di scarico (H) e collegarlo ad una canna fumaria a tiraggio naturale, per scaricare i fumi di combustione direttamente all'esterno.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Allacciamento sotto cappa ad aspirazione forzata – Posizionare l'apparecchiatura sot- to la cappa (L). – Innestare il tubo di prolunga (M) sul camino di scarico (H), in modo che l'estremità...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) 3 - Impostare la temperatura di interesse tramite il termoregolatore (A). 4 - Premere e ruotare la manopola (D) in senso antiorario (pos. D2) e contemporanea- mente agire ripetutamente sull'interruttore piezoelettrico (E) per accendere la fiamma pilota.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Cautela - Avvertenza Effettuare le operazioni di pulizia esclusivamente con prodotti detergenti per uso alimentare. Non usare nel modo più assoluto prodotti di pulizia corrosivi, infiamma- bili o che contengono sostanze nocive alla salute delle persone. Se si prevede di non utilizzare l'apparecchiatura per un lungo periodo, dopo aver CHIUSO LA LINEA DI ALIMENTAZIONE GAS ed effettuato la pulizia, proteggerla in modo adeguato per mantenerla pulita.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) ALLACCIAMENTO GAS Tutti gli interventi di allacciamento, trasformazione e controllo della pressione gas devono essere effettuati da personale autorizzato, che deve possedere precise com- petenze tecniche e particolari capacità nel settore specifico. Questo vale anche per tutti gli interventi di manutenzione straordinaria come l'ingrassaggio e/o la sostituzione dei rubinetti e la sostituzione delle termocoppie o dei bruciatori.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Sostituzione ugelli bruciatori 1 - Svitare le viti e smontare il pan- nello frontale. 2 - Svitare le viti (A) e smontare le staffe di registro aria (B). 3 - Svitare gli ugelli dei bruciatori superiori (C) e inferiori (D) e so- stituirli con quelli adatti al tipo di...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Tabella 10: Dimensioni asola regolazione aria primaria. FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Tipo di gas di Bruciatori Bruciatori Bruciatori Bruciatori Bruciatori Bruciatori alimentazione superiori inferiori superiori inferiori superiori inferiori G20 (20 mbar) 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Regolazione potenza termica al minimo Apparecchiatura con alimentazione GAS METANO 1 - Sfilare la manopola (G). 2 - Svitare la vite (H) (circa 2/3 di giro) e rimontare la manopola (G).
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) CONTROLLO PRESSIONE GAS Procedere nel modo indicato. 1 - Chiudere il rubinetto alimenta- zione gas. 2 - Svitare le viti e smontare il pan- nello laterale (L). 3 - Svitare la vite (M) della presa di pressione.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Sostituzione bruciatore (superio- re e inferiore). 1 - Chiudere il rubinetto alimenta- zione gas. 2 - Svitare le viti e smontare il pan- nello frontale. 3 - Svitare il raccordo (N) di colle- gamento gas per smontare il bruciatore.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNI PIZZA (ALIMENTAZIONE A GAS) Sostituzione rubinetto gas 1 - Chiudere il rubinetto alimenta- zione gas. 2 - Svitare le viti e smontare il pan- nello laterale (L). 3 - Sfilare la manopola corrispon- dente al rubinetto da sostituire.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at CONTENTS GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION Purpose of the manual......3 Machine and manufacturer identification..3 Contacting customer service....4 Safety devices ........4 GAS supply safety instructions ....5 Safety and information signs....7 Unpacking, handling and installation instructions..........8 PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED)
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - English language...
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION PURPOSE OF THE MANUAL – The use and maintenance manual, which is an integral part of the appliance, was written by the manufacturer in his mother tongue to provide the information needed by those authorised to use the appliance during its expected working life.
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION The appliance is marketed with indications of the gas mains used by the manufac- turer for inspections. If the gas mains do not correspond to the one used for inspection, before connect- ing the gas mains, the installation technician must "transform"...
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION Only use the appliance as intended. Improper appliance use or use other than that admitted may cause personally safety risks and injuries and economical damages. The manufacturer is not liable for any damages due to improper appliance use, fail- ure to follow the instructions in the user manual and appliance tampering or chang- es without official authorisation.
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION – Do not use the appliance with broken or inefficient gas supply tubes. When a defect is found, immediately stop the appliance in safety conditions and have authorised and qualified personnel replace tubes.
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION SAFETY AND INFORMATION SIGNS Safety signals are affixed to the appliance areas with RESIDUAL RISKS to inform the user of their existence. The illustrations depict the safety and information signs affixed on the equipment. Burn hazard: warns to be careful of hot surfaces.
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION UNPACKING, HANDLING AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS – The appliance is delivered packaged in a specific container and, if necessary, suitably stabilised with shockproof material to ensure its integrity. Packaging may be on a pallet according to appliance features, destination and transport means to facilitate handling.
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All manuals and user guides at GENERAL AND SAFETY INFORMATION - 9 - English language...
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– Models FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV are equipped with an analogue type control panel while models FMD are equipped with a digital type one.
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A) Control pane: it is equipped with the control devices needed to operate the appliance (see "Control descriptions"). B) Oven door: it is equipped with an inspection window made of Pirex (for model FME - FML - FMD - FYE - FYL only) C) Processing chamber: it is equipped with a cook plate made of refractory material and electrical resistances.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) Table 2: Technical appliance specifications FML Unit of FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Description measure Power 13,2 26,4 400V/3N/50- Power supply V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz 60Hz Working temperature °C 50÷500 Processing chamber 1080x720x140 1080x1080x140...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) Table 4: Technical appliance specifications FES Unit of FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Description measure Power 14,4 Power supply V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz Working temperature °C 50÷500 Processing chamber 660x660x140 660x995x140 660x660x140 660x995x140...
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PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS The appliance is equipped with the listed control devices, required to run its main func- tions. Appliance model FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV A) Thermometer: indicates aver- age temperature in the appliance processing chamber (for model FME-FML only).
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) Appliance model FMD H) Button: used to set appliance operating mode. Position ON: appliance on. Position STAND-BY: appliance off. When restarted, the appli- ance uses the data saved for the last cooking program.
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IDM-34601500500.tif panel perform the same functions as thermoregulators (B-D) (model FME -FML-FES-FYL-MICROV). – The thermoregulator located at the centre is used to adjust bottom electrical resistance temperature (top chamber) and top electrical resistance temperature (bottom chamber).
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4 - Open the oven door. 5 - Introduce food product in the processing chamber. 6 - Check cooking through the inspection window (model FME-FML-FES-FYL-MICROV) or by opening the oven door (model MINI). 7 - When food product is cooked, remove it using the specific utensils.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) Setting cook time 1 - Make sure the appliance is on (ON). 2 - Press the button (Q) to set cook time. The set time appears on the display (Q1) and the led (Q2) blinks to indicate that the displayed value can be changed within 4 seconds.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (ELECTRICALLY POWERED) – Accurately clean the work surface and all surrounding areas. – Clean external appliance surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge. Caution - Precaution Only clean with food safe detergents. Never use corrosive or flammable cleaning products or products that contain substances harmful to human health.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) GENERAL APPLIANCE DESCRIPTION – The oven is a gas powered appliance (LPG or methane) designed and constructed to cook pizza and food products for human consumption. – The professional appliance is designed to be installed in catering environments (bars, pizzerias, restaurants, etc.).
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) A) Control panel: it is equipped with the control devices needed to operate the appliance (see "Descrizione comandi"). B) Oven door: it is equipped with an inspection window made of Pirex (for model only) C) Processing chamber: it is equipped with a cook plate made of refractory material and gas burners.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS The appliance is equipped with the listed control devices, required to run its main functions. A) Thermoregulator: used to adjust the temperature. Press button (A1) while simultane- ously pressing button (A2) or (A3) to reduce or increase the value.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) COMBUSTED GAS EXHAUST CONNECTION Connection to the natural smoke exhaust flue – Install the wind protection fitting (G) (supplied upon request) on the exhaust flue (H) and connect it to the natural smoke exhaust flue to convey exhaust smoke directly outdoors.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Forced exhaust under hood con- nection – Place the appliance under the hood (L). – Insert the extension pipe (M) in the exhaust flue (H) so that the top end of the pipe is in the hood suc- tion area and at a suitable height so that smoke is correctly exhaust-...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) 3 - Set the required temperature using the thermoregulator (A). 4 - Press and rotate the knob (D) counter-clockwise (pos. D2) and simultaneously press the piezoelectric switch (E) repeatedly to ignite the pilot flame. 5 - Hold down the knob for about 10 sec.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Caution - Precaution Only clean with food safe detergents. Never use corrosive or flammable cleaning products or products that contain substances harmful to human health. In the event of prolonged appliance disuse, TURN OFF THE GAS SUPPLY and, after cleaning, adequately protect it to keep it clean.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) GAS CONNECTION All the gas connection, transformation and pressure control operations must be per- formed by authorised personnel who must have specific technical skills and special abilities in the specific sector. This also applies for all extraordinary maintenance oper- ations such as lubrication and/or faucet replacement and thermocouple or burner replacement.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Burner nozzle replacement 1 - Loosen the screws and remove the front panel. 2 - Loosen the screws (A) and re- move the air register brackets (B). 3 - Unscrew the top (C) and bottom (D) burner nozzles and replace them with ones suitable to the gas type used.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Table 10: Primary air registration slot dimensions. FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Bottom Bottom Bottom Supply gas type Top burners Top burners Top burners burners burners burners G20 (20 mbar) 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Heat power adjustment to mini- METHANE GAS powered appli- ance 1 - Remove the knob (G). 2 - Loosen the screw (H) (about 2/ 3 turn) and assemble the knob (G).
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) GAS PRESSURE CONTROL Proceed as indicated. 1 - Close the gas supply faucet. 2 - Loosen the screws and remove the side panel (L). 3 - Loosen the pressure fitting screw (M).
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Burner replacement (top and bot- tom). 1 - Close the gas supply faucet. 2 - Loosen the screws and remove the front panel. 3 - Unscrew the gas connection coupling (N) to remove the burner.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZA OVENS (GAS POWERED) Gas faucet replacement 1 - Close the gas supply faucet. 2 - Loosen the screws and remove the side panel (L). 3 - Pull out the knob for the faucet to be replaced.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at INDEX INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE But du mode d'emploi ......3 Identification du fabricant et de la machine ..........3 Procédure de demande d'assistance..4 Mesures de sécurité........4 Mesures de sécurité pour l'alimentation au GAZ ............5 Signaux de sécurité...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Langue française...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE BUT DU MODE D'EMPLOI – Ce mode d'emploi, qui est partie intégrante de la machine, a été réalisé par le fabricant dans sa langue pour fournir les informations nécessaires à tous ceux qui sont autorisés à...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE L'appareil est mis sur le marché avec la spécification du sigle du gaz de réseau avec lequel le constructeur l'a testé. Si le gaz de réseau ne correspond pas à celui de l'essai, l'installateur devra opérer la transformation de l'appareil avant son raccordement au réseau d'alimentation en gaz et indiquer sur la plaquette le type de gaz à...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE Utiliser l'appareillage uniquement pour les emplois prévus par le fabricant. L'utili- sation impropre de l'appareil peut entraîner des risques pour la sécurité et la santé des personnes ainsi que des dommages économiques. Le fabricant décline toute responsabilité...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE – Ne pas utiliser l'appareil avec des tuyaux d'alimentation au gaz qui ne sont pas en parfait état et performants. Dès que l'on constate un problème, arrêter immédiatement l'appa- reil en condition de sécurité...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE SIGNAUX DE SÉCURITÉ ET D'INFORMATION Sur l'appareil, à hauteur des zones où existent des RISQUES RESIDUELS, on a appli- qué des signaux de sécurité qui informent sur le risque correspondant. Les illustrations représentent les signaux de sécurité...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE DISPOSITIONS POUR LE DÉBALLAGE, LA MANUTENTION ET L'INSTALLATION – L'appareil est livré emballé dans une boîte spéciale et, le cas échéant, est stabilisé avec du matériel anti-choc pour garantir son parfait état. En fonction des caractéristiques de l'appareil, du lieu de destination et du moyen de transport à...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMATIONS GENERALES ET SECURITE - 9 - Langue française...
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à l'oxydation, une économie importante d'énergie et la sécurité d'exploitation. – Les modèles FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV sont équipés d'un tableau de commandes de type analogique, alors que les modèles FMD sont équipés d'un type nu- mérique.
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(voir "Description des commandes"). B) Porte du four: Elle est équipée d'un hublot d'inspection en pyrex (uniquement pour le modèle FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL). C) Compartiment de préparation: Il est équipé d'une plaque de cuisson en matière ré- fractaire et de résistances électriques .
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE) Tableau 2: Données techniques de l'appareil FML Unité de FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Description mesure Dimensions de 1010x850x420 1010x850x750 1010x1210x420 1010x1210x750 l'appareil Dimensions emballage 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 Poids net Unité...
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE) Tableau 4: Données techniques de l'appareil FES Unité de FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Description mesure Puissance 14,4 Alimentation V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz électrique Température °C 50÷500 d'utilisation 660x660x140 610x995x140 Dimensions du four 660x660x140...
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(ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE) DESCRIPTION DES COMMANDES L'appareil est équipé des dispositifs de commandes cités, nécessaires pour activer ses fonctions principales. Appareils modèle FME -FML- FES-FYL-MICROV A) Thermomètre: Indique la tem- pérature moyenne dans le com- partiment de préparation l'appareil (uniquement pour le modèle FME-FML).
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE) Appareils modèle FMD H) Bouton: Sert à définir l'état de fonctionnement de l'appareil . Position ON: Fonctionnement de l'appareil allumé. Position STAND-BY: Fonction- nement de l'appareil coupé. Lors de la remise en marche, l'appa- reil redémarre avec les données mémorisées de la dernière cuis-...
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– Les thermorégulateurs placés dans les parties supérieure et inférieure du tableau de com- mandes remplissent les fonctions des thermorégulateurs (B-D) (modèle FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV). – Le thermorégulateur placé au centre sert à régler la température de la résistance élec- trique inférieure (compartiment supérieur) et de la résistance électrique supérieure...
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4 - Ouvrir la porte du four . 5 - Introduire l'aliment dans le compartiment de préparation. 6 - Contrôler la cuisson par le hublot d'inspection (modèle FME-FML-FES-FYL-MI- CROV) ou par l'ouverture de la porte du four (modèle MINI). 7 - Quand l'aliment a atteint le bon niveau de préparation, l'enlever à l'aide des ustensiles prévus à...
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE) Programmation du temps de cuisson 1 - Contrôler que l'appareil soit enclenché (ON). 2 - Appuyer sur le bouton (Q) pour enclencher la programmation du temps de cuisson. L'afficheur (Q1) montre le temps programmé...
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All manuals and user guides at – Nettoyer soigneusement le plan de travail et toutes les zones environnantes. – Nettoyer les surfaces extérieures de l'appareil avec un chiffon humide ou une éponge. Précaution - Avertissement A ne nettoyer qu'avec des détergents à usage alimentaire. N'utiliser en aucun cas des produits de nettoyage corrosifs, inflammables ou qui contiennent des substan- ces nocives pour la santé.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) DESCRIPTION GÉNÉRALE DE L'APPAREIL – Le four est un appareil alimenté au gaz (GPL ou méthane) conçu et fabriqué pour cuire des pizzas et des denrées alimentaires de gastronomie destinées à l'alimentation hu- maine.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) A) Tableau de commandes : Il est équipé des dispositifs de commande nécessaires pour faire fonctionner l'appareil (voir "Description des commandes"). B) Porte du four: Elle est équipée d'un hublot d'inspection en pyrex (uniquement pour le modèle ).
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) DESCRIPTION DES COMMANDES L'appareil est équipé des dispositifs de commandes cités, nécessaires pour activer ses fonctions principales. A) Thermorégulateur: Sert à régler la température. Appuyer sur la touche (A1) et si- multanément sur la touche (A2) ou (A3) pour diminuer ou augmen- ter la valeur.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) RACCORDEMENT D'ÉVACUATION DE GAZ COMBUSTIBLES Raccordement au conduit à tirage naturel – Monter le raccord anti-refoule- ment (G) (fourni sur commande) sur la cheminée d'évacuation (H) et le raccorder à un conduit à tira- ge naturel pour évacuer directe- ment les fumées de combustion à...
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Raccordement sous la hotte à as- piration forcée. – Placer l'appareil sous la hotte (L). – Brancher le tube de rallonge (M) sur la cheminée d'évacuation (H), de manière à...
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) 3 - Programmer la température voulue à l'aide du thermorégulateur (A). 4 - Appuyer et tourner le bouton (D) dans le sens contraire aux aiguilles d'une montre (rep.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Précaution - Avertissement A ne nettoyer qu'avec des détergents à usage alimentaire. N'utiliser en aucun cas des produits de nettoyage corrosifs, inflammables ou qui contiennent des substan- ces nocives pour la santé.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) RACCORDEMENT AU GAZ Toutes les opérations de raccordement, transformation et contrôle de la pression de gaz doivent être confiées à du personnel agréé, possédant les compétences techni- ques voulues et les capacités particulières du secteur en question.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Remplacement des becs des brû- leurs 1 - Dévisser les vis et démonter le panneau de façade. 2 - Dévisser les vis (A) et démon- ter les brides de réglage d'air (B).
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Tableau 10: Dimensions d'orifice de réglage d'air primaire. FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Type de gaz Brûleurs Brûleurs Brûleurs Brûleurs Brûleurs Brûleurs d'alimentation supérieurs inférieurs supérieurs inférieurs supérieurs inférieurs G20 (20 mbar) 0 mm 0 mm...
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Réglage de puissance thermique au minimum Appareil à alimentation au GAZ METHANE. 1 - Retirer le bouton (G). 2 - Dévisser la vis (H) (environ 2/3 de tour) et remonter le bouton (G).
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) CONTRÔLE DE LA PRESSION DE GAZ Suivre les indications. 1 - Fermer le robinet d'alimentation en gaz . 2 - Dévisser les vis et démonter le panneau latéral (L). 3 - Dévisser la vis (M) de la prise de pression.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Remplacement du brûleur (supé- rieur et inférieur). 1 - Fermer le robinet d'alimentation en gaz . 2 - Dévisser les vis et démonter le panneau de façade. 3 - Dévisser le raccord (N) de rac- cordement du gaz pour démon- ter le brûleur.
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All manuals and user guides at FOURS A PIZZA (ALIMENTATION AU GAZ) Remplacement du robinet de gaz 1 - Fermer le robinet d'alimentation en gaz . 2 - Dévisser les vis et démonter le panneau latéral (L). 3 - Enlever le bouton correspon- dant au robinet à...
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at INDEX ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT Zweck der Bedienungsanleitung.....3 Identifikation des Herstellers und des Geräts .............3 Kundendienstanforderung ......4 Sicherheitsvorrichtungen ......4 Sicherheitsvorgaben für die Versorgung mit GAS ..........5 Sicherheits- und Informationszeichen..7 Vorgaben für Auspacken, Beförderung und Installation........8 PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) Allgemeine Beschreibung des Geräts...10...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Deutsche Sprache...
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT ZWECK DER BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG – Die Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung ist ein Bestandteil des Geräts und wurde vom Hersteller in seiner Originalsprache verfasst, um denjenigen alle notwendigen Informa- tionen zu liefern, die befugt sind, mit dem Gerät im Laufe ihrer vorgesehenen Lebens- dauer zu interagieren.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT Das Gerät wird mit dem Kennzeichen des Netzgases, mit dem der Hersteller die Ab- nahme durchgeführt hat, auf den Markt gebracht. Falls das Netzgas nicht mit dem Gas der Abnahme übereinstimmt, muss der Instal- lateur die „Umrüstung"...
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT Benutzen Sie das Gerät nur für die vorgesehenen Einsatzbereiche. Der unsachge- mäße Gebrauch und der Einsatz des Geräts für nicht vorgesehene Zwecke kann Ri- siken für die Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Personen sowie wirtschaftliche Schäden herbeiführen.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT – Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht mit beschädigten oder nicht wirksamen Gasversorgungs- schläuchen. Sobald Sie einen Defekt feststellen, stoppen Sie das Gerät unverzüglich unter Sicherheitsbedingungen und lassen Sie die Schläuche durch autorisiertes und qualifiziertes Personal ersetzen.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT SICHERHEITS- UND INFORMATIONSZEICHEN Auf dem Gerät befinden sich Sicherheitszeichen in Übereinstimmung mit den Bereichen, in denen RESTRISIKEN bestehen, die über das entsprechende Risiko informieren. Die Abbildungen zeigen die auf dem Gerät angebrachten Sicherheitszeichen und Infor- mationen.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT VORGABEN FÜR AUSPACKEN, BEFÖRDERUNG UND INSTALLATION – Das Gerät wird in einem speziellen Behälter geliefert und, falls notwendig, sachgemäß mit stoßsicherem Material stabilisiert, um seine Unversehrtheit zu gewährleisten. Je nach den Geräteeigenschaften, dem Bestimmungsort und dem zu verwendenden Transportmittel kann die Verpackung pallettisiert sein, um die Beförderung zu erleich- tern.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN UND SICHERHEIT - 9 - Deutsche Sprache...
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Konstruktionstechniken zur Gewährleistung maximaler Hygiene, Oxida- tionsbeständigkeit sowie beträchtlicher Energieersparnis und hoher Betriebssicherheit. – Die Modelle FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV sind mit einer Analog-Schalttafel, die Modelle FMD mit einer Digital-Schalttafel ausgestattet.
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A) Schalttafel: mit den für das Funktionieren des Geräts notwendigen Bedienelementen ausgestattet (siehe "Beschreibung der Bedienelemente"). B) Ofentür: mit einer Inspektionsöffnung ausgestattet und aus Pirex (nur für Modelle FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL). C) Backkammer: mit Backplatte aus hitzebeständigem Material und mit Elektrowider- ständen ausgestattet.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) Tabelle 2: Technische Daten des Geräts FML Messeinh FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Beschreibung Verpackungsabmessu 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 ngen Nettogewicht Messeinh FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Beschreibung Leistung 13,2 26,4 400V/3N/50- Stromversorgung V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz 60Hz...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) Tabelle 4: Technische Daten des Geräts FES Messeinh FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Beschreibung Leistung 14,4 Stromversorgung V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz Betriebstemperatur °C 50÷500 Abmessungen des 660x660x140 610x995x140 660x660x140 610x995x140 Verarbeitungsraums (x2) (x2) Gerätabmessungen 900x785x420...
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Geräte Modell FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV A) Thermometer: zeigt die durch- schnittliche Temperatur im Inne- ren der Backkammer des Geräts an (nur für Modell FME-FML). B) Temperaturregler: zur Einstel- lung der Temperatur der Elektro- widerstände im oberen Bereich der Backkammer des Geräts.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) Geräte Modell FMD H) Taster: zur Bestimmung des Funktionsstatus des Geräts. Position ON: Gerätebetrieb akti- viert. Position STAND-BY: Gerätebe- trieb deaktiviert. Beim Neustart startet das Gerät mit den beim letzten Backvorgang gespei- cherten Daten.
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IDM-34601500500.tif ausgestattet. – Die Temperaturregler, die sich im oberen und unteren Bereich der Schalttafel befinden, haben die gleichen Funktionen wie die Temperaturregler (B-D) (Modell FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV). – Der Temperaturregler im mittleren Bereich dient der Temperatureinstellung des unteren Elektrowiderstands (obere Backkammer) und des oberen Elektrowiderstands (untere Backkammer).
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) 3 - Warten Sie, bis das Gerät die eingestellte, auf dem Thermometer (A) (Modell FME- FML) angezeigte Temperatur erreicht hat. 4 - Öffnen Sie die Ofentür. 5 - Legen Sie das Lebensmittel ins Innere der Backkammer.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) Einstellung der Backzeit 1 - Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Gerätebetrieb aktiviert ist (ON): 2 - Drücken Sie den Taster (Q) zur Freischaltung der Backzeiteinstellung. Auf dem Display (Q1) erscheint die eingestellte Zeit und die LED (Q2) blinkt, um dar- auf hinzuweisen, dass der angezeigte Wert innerhalb von 4 Sekunden geändert wer- den kann.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (STROMVERSORGUNG) – Reinigen Sie sorgfältig die Arbeitsfläche und alle Umgebungsbereiche. – Reinigen Sie die Außenoberflächen des Geräts mit einem feuchten Tuch oder mit einem Schwamm. Achtung - Vorsicht Führen Sie die Reinigungsarbeitsschritte ausschließlich mit für Lebensmittel ge- eigneten Reinigungsprodukten aus.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) ALLGEMEINE BESCHREIBUNG DES GERÄTS – Der Ofen ist ein mit Gas (GPL oder Methangas) versorgtes Gerät, das zum Backen von Pizza und von für den Verzehr durch Personen bestimmten Gastronomie-Lebensmitteln entwickelt und konstruiert wurde. –...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) A) Schalttafel: mit den für das Funktionieren des Geräts notwendigen Bedienelementen ausgestattet (siehe "Descrizione comandi"). B) Ofentür: mit einer Inspektionsöffnung ausgestattet und aus Pirex (nur für Modelle ). C) Backkammer: mit Backplatte aus hitzebeständigem Material und mit Gasbrennern ausgestattet.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) BESCHREIBUNG DER BEDIENELEMENTE Das Gerät ist mit den aufgelisteten Bedienelementen, die zur Aktivie- rung der Hauptfunktionen notwen- dig sind, ausgestattet. A) Temperaturregler: zum Einstellen der Temperatur. Drücken Sie die Taste (A1) und gleichzeitig die Taste (A2) oder (A3) zur Verringerung oder Erhö- hung des Werts.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) ANSCHLUSS BRENNGASABLASS Anschluss an den Rauchkanal mit natürlichem Zug – Montieren Sie das winddichte Ver- bindungsstück (G) (auf Anfrage geliefert) an den Rauchablasska- min (H) und schließen Sie dieses an einen Rauchkanal mit natür- lichem Zug an, um den Verbren- nungsrauch direkt nach außen abzulassen.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Anschluss unter Haube mit for- ciertem Abzug – Positionieren Sie die das Gerät un- ter der Haube (L). – Schließen Sie den Verlängerungs- schlauch (M) so an den Ablasska- min (H) an, dass sich das obere Ende des Schlauchs im Abzugs- bereich der Haube und auf einer angemessenen Höhe befindet, so-...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) 3 - Stellen Sie die gewünschte Temperatur mit dem Temperaturregler (A) ein. 4 - Drücken und drehen Sie den Drehknopf im Gegenuhrzeigersinn (Pos. D2) und betä- tigen Sie gleichzeitig mehrmals den piezoelektrischen Schalter (E), um die Steuer- flamme zu zünden.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Achtung - Vorsicht Führen Sie die Reinigungsarbeitsschritte ausschließlich mit für Lebensmittel ge- eigneten Reinigungsprodukten aus. Verwenden Sie auf keinen Fall korrosive, ent- flammbare Reinigungsprodukte oder solche, gesundheitsschädliche Substanzen enthalten. Falls vorgesehen ist, das Gerät für längere Zeit nicht zu benutzen, SCHLIESSEN SIE DIE GASVERSORGUNGSLEITUNG, reinigen Sie das Gerät und schützen Sie dieses auf geeignete Weise, um es sauber zu halten.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) GASANSCHLUSS Alle Eingriffe bezüglich Gasanschluss, Gasumrüstung und Kotrolle des Gasdrucks müssen von Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden, das präzise Fachkenntnisse und besondere Fähigkeiten im spezifischen Bereich aufweisen muss. Dies gilt auch für alle Eingriffe der außerordentlichen Wartung wie die Schmierung und/oder die Auswechse- lung der Thermoelemente oder der Brenner.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Auswechselung der Brennerdü- 1 - Lösen Sie die Schrauben und montieren Sie Frontplatte ab. 2 - Lösen Sie die Schrauben (A) und montieren Sie die Luftein- stellbügel (B) ab. 3 - Lösen Sie die Düsen der obe- ren (C) und unteren (D) Brenner und ersetzen Sie diese durch für den verwendeten Gastyp...
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Tabelle 10: Abmessungen des Primärlufteinstellschlitzes FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Versorgungsgasty Obere Untere Obere Untere Obere Untere Brenner Brenner Brenner Brenner Brenner Brenner G20 (20 mbar) 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm 1 mm 0 mm G25 (20mbar)
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Einstellung der thermischen Leis- tung aufs Minimum Gerät mit METHANGAS-Versor- gung. 1 - Entfernen Sie den Drehknopf (G). 2 - Lösen Sie die Schraube (H) (ungefähr um eine 2/3 Dre- hung) und montieren Sie den Drehknopf (G) wieder.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) KONTROLLE GASDRUCK Gehen Sie in der angegebenen Weise vor. 1 - Schließen Sie den Gasversor- gungshahn. 2 - Lösen Sie die Schrauben und montieren Sie die Seitenblende (L) ab. 3 - Lösen Sie die Schraube (M) der Druckbuchse.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Auswechselung Brenners (oben und unten). 1 - Schließen Sie den Gasversor- gungshahn. 2 - Lösen Sie die Schrauben und montieren Sie Frontplatte ab. 3 - Lösen Sie das Verbindungs- stück (N) des Gasanschlusses, um den Brenner abzumontie- ren.
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All manuals and user guides at PIZZAÖFEN (GASVERSORGUNG) Auswechselung des Gasbrenners 1 - Schließen Sie den Gasversor- gungshahn. 2 - Lösen Sie die Schrauben und montieren Sie die Seitenblende (L) ab. 3 - Ziehen Sie den dem auszu- wechselnden Hahn entspre- chenden Drehknopf heraus.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at INDEX INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD Objetivo del manual ........3 Identificación del fabricante y del aparato............3 Modalidad de pedido de asistencia..4 Dispositivos de seguridad .......4 Disposición de seguridad para alimentación a GAS ........5 Señales de seguridad e información..7 Disposiciones para el desembalaje, desplazamiento e instalación....8...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Idioma español...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD OBJETIVO DEL MANUAL – El manual de uso y mantenimiento, que forma parte integrante del aparato, ha sido rea- lizado por el fabricante en su idioma original para suministrar información necesaria para quienes estén autorizados para el uso de la máquina durante su vida útil prevista.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD El aparato se introduce en el mercado con la sigla del gas de red con el cual el fa- bricante ha realizado la prueba. Si el gas de red no corresponde con aquel utilizado en la prueba, antes de realizar la conexión a la red de alimentación de gas, el instalador deberá...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD Utilizar la máquina solamente para aquellos usos previstos. El empleo de la máqui- na para usos impropios y diferentes de aquellos permitidos puede ocasionar ries- gos para la seguridad y para la salud de las personas, además de provocar daños económicos.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD – No utilizar el aparato con los tubos de alimentación de gas en mal estado o no eficientes. Una vez detectado el defecto, detener inmediatamente la máquina en condiciones de seguridad y hacer que personal autorizado y especializado cambie los tubos.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD SEÑALES DE SEGURIDAD E INFORMACIÓN En el aparato, en correspondencia de las zonas en las cuales existen RIESGOS RESI- DUALES, se aplican señales de seguridad que informan sobre el riesgo correspon- diente.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD DISPOSICIONES PARA EL DESEMBALAJE, DESPLAZAMIENTO E INSTALACIÓN. – El aparato se entrega embalado en un contenedor especial y, de ser necesario, se debe estabilizar con material antigolpes para asegurar que no sea dañado. En función de las características del aparato, del lugar de colocación y del medio de transporte a utilizar, para facilitar el desplazamiento el embalaje puede colocarse sobre pallet.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Y SOBRE SEGURIDAD - 9 - Idioma español...
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– Los modelos FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV están equipados con un cuadro de mando de tipo analógico, mientras que los modelos FMD están equipados con uno de tipo digital.
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B) Puerta del horno: está equipada con una abertura de inspección , de material pirex (sólo en el modelo FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL). C) Compartimiento de tratamiento: está equipado con un plano de cocción de material refractario y con resistencias eléctricas.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) Tabla 2: Datos técnicos de la máquina FML Unidad FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Descripción medida Dimensiones embalaje 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 Peso neto Unidad FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Descripción medida Potencia...
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) Tabla 4: Datos técnicos de la máquina FES Unidad FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Descripción medida Potencia 14,4 Alimentación eléctrica V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz Temperaturas de uso °C 50÷500 Dimensiones 610x610x140 610x910x140...
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HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) DESCRIPCIÓN MANDOS La máquina está equipada con los dispositivos de mando destallados, necesarios para activar las funciones principales. Aparato modelo FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV A) Termómetro: indica la tempera- tura media dentro del comparti- miento tratamiento aparato (sólo para el modelo...
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) Aparato modelo FMD H) Pulsador: sirve para definir el estado de funcionamiento del aparato. Posición ON: funcionamiento aparato activado. Posición STAND-BY: funciona- miento aparato desactivado. Cuando se enciende el aparato lo hace con los datos memoriza- dos de la última cocción efectua- L)Pulsador: sirve para activar o...
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MINI está equipado con tres termorreguladores. – Los termorreguladores posicionados en la parte superior e inferior del cuadro de mando realizan las mismas funciones de los termorreguladores (B-D) (modelo FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV). – El termorregulador posicionado en la parte central sirve para regular la temperatura de la resistencia eléctrica inferior (compartimiento superior) y de la resistencia eléctrica su-...
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4 - Abrir la puerta del horno. 5 - Introducir el producto alimenticio dentro del compartimiento de tratamiento. 6 - Controlar la cocción a través de la abertura de inspección (modelo FME-FML-FYE- FYL-MICROV) o con la abertura de la puerta del horno (modelo MINI-).
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) Programación del tiempo de cocción 1 - Controlar que el aparato esté encendido (ON). 2 - Presionar el pulsador (Q) para habilitar la programación del tiempo de cocción. En el display (Q1) aparece el tiempo programado y el led (Q2) parpadea para indicar que, dentro de 4 segundos, es posible modificar el valor visualizado.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA) – Limpiar con cuidado la superficie de trabajo y todas las zonas cercanas. – Limpiar las superficies externas de la máquina con un paño húmedo o con una esponja. Cuidado - Advertencia Realizar las operaciones de limpieza exclusivamente con productos detergentes especiales para el sector alimentario.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL EQUIPO – El horno es un aparato a gas ( GPL o metano) proyectado y fabricado para cocinar piz- zas y productos alimenticios de gastronomía, destinados a la alimentación humana. –...
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) A) cuadro mandos: está equipado con los dispositivos de mando necesarios para per- mitir el funcionamiento de la máquina (ver "Descripción mandos"). B) Puerta del horno: está equipada con una abertura de inspección , de material pirex (sólo en el modelo ).
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) DESCRIPCIÓN MANDOS La máquina está equipada con los dispositivos de mando destallados, necesarios para activar las funcio- nes principales. A) Termorregulador: Permite regu- lar la temperatura. Presionar la tecla (A1) y simultá- neamente la tecla (A2) o (A3), para aumentar o disminuir el valor.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) CONEXIÓN A LA DESCARGA DE GASES QUEMADOS Conexión al canal de ventilación de tiro natural. – Montar el acople anti viento(G) (suministrado a pedido) a la chi- menea de descarga (H) y conec- tarlo a un canal de ventilación de tiro natural para descargar los hu-...
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Conexión debajo de la campana de aspiración forzada – Posicionar el aparato debajo de la campana (L). – Conectar el tubo de prolongación (M) a la chimenea de descarga (H), de modo que el extremo supe- rior del tubo se encuentre en el área de aspiración de la campana...
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) 3 - Programar la temperatura deseada utilizando el termorregulador (A). 4 - Presionar y girar el pomo (D) en sentido antihorario (pos. D2) y simultáneamente ac- tuar repetidamente en el interruptor piezoeléctrico(E) para encender la llama piloto. 5 - Mantener presionado el pomo aprox.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Cuidado - Advertencia Realizar las operaciones de limpieza exclusivamente con productos detergentes especiales para el sector alimentario. Nunca emplear productos de limpieza corro- sivos, inflamables o que contengan sustancias nocivas para la salud de las perso- nas.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) CONEXIÓN DE GAS Todas las intervenciones de conexión, transformación y control de la presión de gas deben realizarse por personal autorizado, que debe poseer precisas competencias técnicas y especiales capacidades dentro del sector específico. Esto es válido para todas las intervenciones de mantenimiento extraordinario como el engrase y/o la susti- tución de las llaves y la sustitución de los termopares o de los quemadores.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Cambio toberas del quemador 1 - Aflojar los tornillos y desmontar el panel frontal. 2 - Aflojar los tornillos (A) y des- montar los estribos de regula- ción aire (B).
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Tabla 10: Tamaño de la ranura regulación aire primario FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Tipo de gas de Quemadores Quemadores Quemadores Quemadores Quemadores Quemadores alimentación superiores inferiores superiores inferiores superiores inferiores G20 (20 mbar)
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Regulación potencia térmica al mínimo Aparato con alimentación a GAS METANO. 1 - Quitar el pomo (G). 2 - Aflojar el tornillo (H) (aprox. 2/3 de vuelta) y volver a montar el pomo (G).
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) CONTROL DE LA PRESIÓN DEL GAS Proceder del modo indicado 1 - Cerrar la llave de alimentación del gas. 2 - Aflojar los tornillos y desmontar el panel lateral (L). 3 - Aflojar el tornillo (M) de la toma de presión.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Cambiar el quemador (superior e inferior). 1 - Cerrar la llave de alimentación del gas. 2 - Aflojar los tornillos y desmontar el panel frontal. 3 - Aflojar el racor (N) de conexión del gas para desmontar el que- mador.
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All manuals and user guides at HORNOS PARA PIZZA (ALIMENTACIÓN A GAS) Sustitución de la llave de gas 1 - Cerrar la llave de alimentación del gas. 2 - Aflojar los tornillos y desmontar el panel lateral (L). 3 - Extraer el pomo correspondien- te a la llave a cambiar.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at ÍNDICE INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA Finalidade do manual ......3 Identificação do construtor e da máquina ..........3 Modalidade de pedido de assistência..4 Disposições de segurança......4 Disposições de segurança para a alimentação a GÁS .........5 Sinais de segurança e informação..7 Disposições para a desembalagem, movimentação e instalação ....8...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Língua portuguesa...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA FINALIDADE DO MANUAL – O manual de uso e de manutenção que é parte integrante da máquina foi realizado pelo construtor na própria língua original para fornecer as informações necessárias a todas as pessoas autorizadas a interagir com a máquina no arco da sua vida prevista.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA O aparelho é posto à venda com a indicação da sigla do gás da rede que o constru- tor utilizou para ensaiar. Se o gás da rede não corresponder ao utilizado no ensaio, o instalador, antes de efectuar a ligação à...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA Utilize a máquina só para os usos previstos. O emprego da máquina para usos im- próprios e diferentes dos permitidos pode comportar riscos para a segurança e a saúde das pessoas e provocar danos económicos.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA – Nunca utilize o aparelho com os tubos de alimentação do gás danificados e ineficientes. Mal note algum defeito, pare imediatamente o aparelho em condições de segurança e mande substituir os tubos por pessoal autorizado e qualificado.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA SINAIS DE SEGURANÇA E INFORMAÇÃO Na máquina, em correspondência das zonas onde existem OUTROS RISCOS, são aplicados sinais de segurança que informam sobre o respectivo risco. As figuras mostram os sinais de segurança e informação que são aplicados na máqui- Perigo de queimadura: assinala que é...
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA DISPOSIÇÕES PARA A DESEMBALAGEM, MOVIMENTAÇÃO E INSTALAÇÃO – A máquina é entregue embalada numa caixa apropriada e, se necessário, é oportuna- mente estabilizada com material anti-choque para assegurar a sua integridade. Conforme as características da máquina, do local de destino e do meio de transporte a utilizar, para facilitar a movimentação, a embalagem pode ser paletizada.
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All manuals and user guides at INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS E SOBRE A SEGURANÇA - 9 - Língua portuguesa...
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à oxidação, uma notável poupança energética e a segurança de funcionamento. – Os modelos FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV estão equipados com um quadro de comandos tipo analógico, enquanto que os modelos FMD estão equipados com um de tipo digital.
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B) Porta forno: possui uma abertura de inspecção , realizada em pirex (só para o mo- delo FME - FML - FMD - FYE - FYL). C) Cavidade do forno: possui um plano de cozedura em material refractário e resistên- cias eléctricas.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA) Tabela 2: Dados técnicos da máquina FML Unidade FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Descrição medida Dimensões da 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 embalagem Peso líquido Unidade FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Descrição medida Potência 13,2...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA) Tabela 4: Dados técnicos da máquina FES Unidade FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Descrição medida Potência 14,4 Alimentação eléctrica V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz Temperatura uso °C 50÷500 660x660x140 660x995x140 Dimensões do forno 660x660x140 660x995x140 (x2)
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Aparelhos modelo FME -FML- FES-FYL-MICROV A) Termómetro: indica a tempera- tura média no interior do forno (só para o modelo FME-FML). B) Termorregulador: serve para regular a temperatura das resis- tências eléctricas da zona supe- rior do forno.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA) Aparelhos modelo FMD H) Botão: serve para definir o esta- do de funcionamento do apare- lho. Posição funcionamento aparelho activado. Posição STAND-BY: funciona- mento aparelho desactivado. Ao voltar a ligar, o aparelho activa- se com os dados memorizados da última cozedura efectuada.
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MINI está equipado só com três termorreguladores. – Os termorreguladores colocados na parte superior e inferior do quadro de comandos têm as mesmas funções dos termorreguladores (B-D) (modelo FME-FML-FES-FYL-MI- CROV). – O termorregulador colocado na parte central serve para regular a temperatura da resis- tência eléctrica inferior (vão superior) e da resistência eléctrica superior (vão inferior).
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4 - Abra a porta do forno. 5 - Introduza o alimento dentro do forno. 6 - Controle a cozedura através da respectiva abertura de inspecção (modelo FME- FML-FES-FYL-MICROV) ou abrindo a porta do forno (modelo MINI). 7 - Quando o alimento alcançar o justo grau de cozedura, retire-o com a ajuda dos res- pectivos utensílios.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA) Programação tempo de cozedura 1 - Controle que o aparelho esteja ligado (ON). 2 - Prema o botão (Q) para efectuar a programação do tempo de cozedura. No visor (Q1) aparece o tempo programado e o indicador luminoso (Q2) começa a piscar para indicar que daí...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA) – Limpe cuidadosamente o plano de trabalho e todas as zonas à volta. – Limpe as superfícies externas da máquina com um pano húmido ou com uma esponja. Cautela – Advertência Faça as operações de limpeza utilizando exclusivamente produtos detergentes para uso alimentar.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) DESCRIÇÃO GERAL APARELHAGEM – O forno é um aparelho alimentado a gás (GPL ou metano) projectado e construído para cozinhar pizzas e produtos alimentares gastronómicos, destinados à alimentação. –...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) A) Quadro de comando: é equipado com os dispositivos de comando necessários para fazer funcionar a máquina (ver "Descrição dos comandos"). B) Porta forno: possui uma abertura de inspecção , realizada em pirex (só para o mo- delo ).
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) DESCRIÇÃO DOS COMANDOS A máquina está equipada com os dispositivos de comando listados, necessários para activar as suas funções principais. A) Termorregulador: serve para re- gular a temperatura. Prema a tecla (A1) e contempora- neamente a tecla (A2) ou (A3), para diminuir ou aumentar o valor.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) LIGAÇÃO DESCARGA GÁS DA COMBUSTÃO Ligação ao tubo de evacuação de tiragem natural – Monte a junção pára-vento (G) (fornecida se pedida) à chaminé (H) e ligue-a a um tubo de evacu- ação de tiragem natural para eva- cuar os fumos da combustão directamente para o exterior.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Ligação debaixo do exaustor de aspiração forçada – Coloque o aparelho debaixo do exaustor (L). – Engate o tubo de alongamento (M) na chaminé (H), de modo que a extremidade superior do tubo se encontre na área de aspiração do exaustor, a uma altura adequada,...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) 3 - Programe a temperatura desejada através do termorregulador (A). 4 - Prema e rode o botão (D) no sentido anti-horário (pos. D2) e contemporaneamente prema várias vezes no interruptor piezoeléctrico (E) para acender a chama piloto. 5 - Mantenha premido o botão durante cerca de 10 seg para permitir a intervenção do termopar.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Cautela – Advertência Faça as operações de limpeza utilizando exclusivamente produtos detergentes para uso alimentar. É taxativamente proibido utilizar produtos de limpeza corrosi- vos, inflamáveis ou que contêm substâncias nocivas para a saúde das pessoas. Se se prevê...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) LIGAÇÃO GÁS Todas as intervenções de ligação, transformação e controlo da pressão do gás devem ser realizadas por pessoal autorizado que deve possuir qualificações técnicas especí- ficas e particulares capacidades no sector específico. Isto também vale para todas as intervenções de manutenção extraordinária tal como a lubrificação e/ou a substituição das torneiras e dos termopares ou dos queimadores.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Substituição bicos queimadores 1 - Desaperte os parafusos e des- monte o painel frontal. 2 - Desaperte os parafusos (A) e desmonte as presilhas de regis- to do ar (B). 3 - Desaperte os bicos dos quei- madores superiores (C) e infe- riores (D) e substitua-os com os...
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Tabela 10: Dimensões abertura regulação do ar. FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Tipo de gás de Queimadore Queimadore Queimadore Queimadore Queimadore Queimadore alimentação s superiores s inferiores s superiores s inferiores s superiores s inferiores G20 (20 mbar)
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Regulação potência térmica no mínimo Aparelho com alimentação a GÁS METANO. 1 - Retire o botão (G). 2 - Desaperte o parafuso (H) (cer- ca 2/3 de volta) e volte a montar a pega (G).
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) CONTROLO PRESSÃO GÁS Proceda da seguinte maneira. 1 - Feche a torneira de alimenta- ção do gás. 2 - Desaperte os parafusos e des- monte o painel lateral (L). 3 - Desaperte o parafuso (M) da alimentação de pressão.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Substituição queimador (superior e inferior). 1 - Feche a torneira de alimenta- ção do gás. 2 - Desaperte os parafusos e des- monte o painel frontal. 3 - Desaperte a junção (N) de liga- ção do gás para desmontar o queimador.
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All manuals and user guides at FORNOS PIZZA (ALIMENTAÇÃO A GÁS) Substituição torneira a gás 1 - Feche a torneira de alimenta- ção do gás. 2 - Desaperte os parafusos e des- monte o painel lateral (L). 3 - Retire a pega correspondente à torneira que se deseja substi- tuir.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Цель руководства........3 Данные производителя и оборудования ........3 Порядок оформления заявки на техобслуживание ........4 Инструкции по технике безопасности ..4 Правила техники безопасности для ГАЗОВОГО оборудования....5 Знаки предупреждения и безопасности...
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All manuals and user guides at - 2 - Русский язык...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ЦЕЛЬ РУКОВОДСТВА – Данное руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию, являющееся неотъемлемой частью оборудования, было оставлено производителем на его родном языке в целях предоставления всей необходимой информации персонау, допускаемому...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ При поступлении прибора в продажу на нем указан тип газа, поступающего из сети газоснабжения, под который прибор был отлажен производителем при проведении наладки. Если газ из сети газоснабжения отличается от того, который использовался при...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Использовать оборудование только в предусмотренных целях. Использование оборудования в ненадлежащих и неразрешенных целях может поставить под угрозу безопасность и здоровье людей и привести к экономическим потерям. Производитель не несет ответственности за ущерб, причиненный в результате...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ – Не использовать оборудование при наличии поврежденных или неисправных газовых труб. При выявлении дефектв немедленно выключить оборудование в безопасных условиях и обеспечить замену труб уполномоченными и квалифицированными специалистами. –...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ЗНАКИ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ И БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ В зонах оборудования, где существуют ОСТАТОЧНЫЕ РИСКИ, помещены знаки безопасности, предупреждающие о сооветствующих рисках. На рисунке показаны знаки безопасности и информационные знаки, размещенные на оборудовании. Опасность...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО РАСПАКОВКЕ, ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЮ И УСТАНОВКЕ – Оборудование поставляется упакованным в специальном контейнере и по мере необходимости, в целях обеспечеия его целостности, фиксируется амортизационными материалами. В зависимости от характеристик оборудования, места назначения и транспортного...
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All manuals and user guides at ОБЩАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ - 9 - Русский язык...
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материалы и технологии, гарантирующие максимальный уровень гигиены, стойкость к ржавлению, значительную экономию энергии и безопасность в эксплуатации. – Модели FME - FML - FES - FYL - MINI - MICROV оснащены аналоговым щитом управления, а модели FMD - цифровым. На иллюстрации показаны основные компоненты одной из моделей...
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A) Щит управления: оснащен органами для управления работой прибора (см. "Описание органов управления"). B) Дверка печи: имеет смотровое окно из жаростойкого стекла пирекс (только в модели FME - FML - FMD - FES - FYL). C) Рабочая камера: имеет рабочую поверхность из огнеупорного материала и оснащена ТЭНами.
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) Таблица 2: Технические данные прибора FML Единица FML/4 FML/4+4 FML/6 FML/6+6 Описание измерен ия Размеры упаковки 1090x1040x570 1090x1040x920 1090x1400x570 1090x1400x920 Вес нетто Единица FMLW/6 FMLW/6+6 FML/9 FML/9+9 Описание измерен...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) Таблица 4: Технические данные прибора FES Единица FES/4 FES/4+4 FES/6 FES/6+6 Описание измерен ия Мощность 14,4 Электрическое V/Ph/Hz 230V/1N/50-60Hz - 230-400V/3-3N/50-60Hz питание Температура °C 50÷500 эксплуатации Размеры рабочей 660x660x140 660x995x140 660x660x140...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) ОПИСАНИЕ ОРГАНОВ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Прибор оснащен перечисленными органами управления, необходимыми для включения его основных функций. Прибор модели FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV A) Термометр: указывает среднее значение температуры в рабочей камере прибора (только в...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) Прибор модели FMD H) Кнопка: служит для задания режима работы прибора. Положение ON: прибор включен. Положение STAND-BY: прибор отключен. При повторном включении прибор продолжает использовать сохраненные параетры последнего выпекания. L)Кнопка: служит...
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В модели MINI щит управления оснащен только тремя терморегуляторами. – Терморегуляторы, расположенные в верхней и нижней частях щита управления выполняют те же функции, что и теморегуляторы (B-D) (модель FME -FML-FES- FYL-MICROV). – Терморегулятор, расположенный в центре, служит для регулировки температуры...
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4 - Открыть дверку печи. 5 - Поместить продукт в рабочую камеру. 6 - Проверять степень готовности продукта через специальное смотровое окно (модель FME-FML-FES-FYL-MICROV) или путем открывания дверки печи (модель MINI). 7 - Когда продукт достигнет нужной степени готовности, собрать его при помощи...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) Задание времени выпекания 1 - Убедиться, что прибор включен (ON - ВКЛ.). 2 - Нажать кнопку (Q) для активации настройки времени выпекания. На дисплее (Q1) отобразится заданное значение времени, и светодиод (Q2) начнет...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ) – Тщательно почистить рабочую поверхность и все прилегающие зоны. – Почистить наружные части прибора влажной тканью или губкой. Осторожно - Предупреждение При чистке применять только те чистящие средства, которые предназначены для...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) ОБЩЕЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ – Печь представляет собой прибор, работающий на газе (СПГ или метан), спроектированный и изготовленный для выпекания пиццы и гастрономических продуктов, предназначенных для употребления в пищу людьми. –...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) A) Щит управления: оснащен органами для управления работой прибора (см. "Описание органов управления"). B) Дверка печи: имеет смотровое окно из жаростойкого стекла пирекс (только в модели ). C) Рабочая камера: имеет рабочую поверхность из огнеупорного материала и оснащена...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) ОПИСАНИЕ ОРГАНОВ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Прибор оснащен перечисленными органами управления, необходимыми для включения его основных функций. A) Терморегулятор: служит для регулирования температуры. Нажать кнопку (A1) и одновременно клавишу (A2) или (A3) для...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ОТВОДА ДЫМОВЫХ ГАЗОВ Подсоединение к дымоходу с естественной тягой – Установить противоветровый патрубок (G) (поставляемый по заявке) к дымовой вытяжке (H) и подсоединить его к дымоходу с естественной...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Подключение под колпаком принудительной вытяжки – Поместить прибор под колпаком (L). – Установить удлинительную трубку (M) на дымовой вытяжке (H) так, чтобы верхний конец трубы находился в зоне вытяжки...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) 3 - Задать нужную температуру при помощи терморегулятора (A). 4 - Нажать и повернуть ручку (D) против часовой стрелки (поз. D2) и одновременно несколько раз нажать на пьезоэлектрический выключатель (E) для включения запального...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Осторожно - Предупреждение При чистке применять только те чистящие средства, которые предназначены для использования в пищевой промышленности. Запрещается использовать агрессивные или воспламеняющиеся чистящие средства или средства, содержащие вещества, вредные здоровью для людей. Если...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ГАЗА Все работы по подключению к сети газоснабжения, переоборудованию на другой тип газа и контролю давления газа должны выполняться уполномоченными специалистами, обладающими должной технической компетенцией и опыом в конкретном...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Замена форсунок горелок 1 - Открутить винты и снять переднюю панель. 2 - Открутить винты (A) и снять кронштейны регулятора воздуха (B). 3 - Открутить форсунки верхних (C) и нижних (D) горелок и заменить...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Таблица 10: Размеры прорези регулировки первичного воздуха. FGI/4 FGI/6 FGI/9 Верхние Нижние Верхние Нижние Верхние Нижние Тип газа горелки горелки горелки горелки горелки горелки G20 (20 mbar) 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm 0 mm...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Регулировка тепловой мощности в минуту Прибор, работающий на МЕТАНЕ. 1 - Снять ручку (G): 2 - Открутить винт (H) (порядка на 2/3 оборота) и установить на место ручку (G). 3 - Включить...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) ПРОВЕРКА ДАВЛЕНИЯ ГАЗА Действовать в указанном порядке. 1 - Перекрыть кран подачи газа. 2 - Открутить винты и снять боковую панель (L). 3 - Открутить винт (M) штуцера для...
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Замена горелки (верхней и нижней): 1 - Перекрыть кран подачи газа. 2 - Открутить винты и снять переднюю панель. 3 - Открутить патрубок (N) подключения газа и снять горелку.
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All manuals and user guides at ПЕЧИ ДЛЯ ПИЦЦЫ МОД (ГАЗОВЫЕ) Замена крана подачи газа 1 - Перекрыть кран подачи газа. 2 - Открутить винты и снять боковую панель (L). 3 - Извлечь ручку , соответствующую заменяемому крану. 4 - Открутить все патрубки (T) с крана...
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All manuals and user guides at La presenza del bidoncino barrato sulla targhetta dati dell’apparecchiatura indica che essa al termine della propria vita utile dovrà seguire per il suo smaltimento e riciclaggio quanto previsto dalla Direttiva Europea. La Direttiva prevede la raccolta separata delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche attraverso un sistema di raccolta denominato RAEE.
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