5. Putting into operation
5.1 How the humidifier works
NORDMANN humidifiers use ordinary tap water to produce steam. The water is converted directly into steam in the
steam cylinder by electrode heating using electrical energy. In this way, the water acts as the electrical resistance.
Vaporisation occurs at atmospheric pressure (non-pressurised).
The electronic control system, with its micro controller, regulates the vaporisation process in accordance with the
reliable principle developed by NORDMANN. This principle allows rapid output changes. The humidifier adapts itself
automatically to the quality of the water used.
Due to this ability to set the optimum water concentration in the steam cylinder, the smallest adjustments to the
water level can effect a change in the steam output, allowing the unit to react quickly and accurately to any set
point change.
The control system's high degree of efficiency ensures optimal drainage, i.e. the process of water deconcentration in
the cylinder.
The use of fuzzy logic technology improves controllability. The adaptive control technique regulates the
conductivity / mineral concentration in the steam cylinder achieving ideal operating conditions and maximising
operational reliability. In addition, the output fluctuations, which occur during normal operation, are kept to a
minimum by the automatic water-intake and drainage functions.
The integrated humidity controller of the MinAir works as a P-Controller with a fixed proportional band. The default
of the desired value is made by the input keys of the MinAir. The electronic controller optimally controls the steam
5.2 Handling and setting of the MinAir
The two digits LED display module indicates the relative humidity in the air measured by the humidity sensor in the
normal operation. Additional system and maintenance messages are also indicated.
Standard Display:
Button T1 (arrow upwards):
Button T2 (arrow downwards): By pressing this button for at least 2 seconds, the manual cylinder drainage will be
To set the nominal value of the required relative humidity, both buttons have to be pressed at the same time for at
least 4 seconds. The display will start blinking and show the nominal value. The nominal value can be changed using the
up (T1) and down (T2) buttons. If the buttons are not pressed for at least 10 seconds the new nominal Value will be
accepted and the display switches back to the standard display.
5.3 Putting the humidifier into operation
After the steam hose, water feed pipe, drainage pipes and electrical cables have all been correctly and professionally
connected, the MinAir humidifier can be switched on using the black power switch. By pressing the T1 button, the set
nominal value will be displayed. The desired nominal value can be set according to requirements (see chapter 5.2). As
soon as the integrated humidity controller asks for humidity, the decimal point of the Display will light up, the contactor
will be activated and after a short time water is fed into the steam cylinder and full automatic operation commences.
The humidifier will only operate automatically if correctly installed and the shut-off valve in the water feed pipe is open.
Steam production will commence when the water in the cylinder has been fully heated.
Display of the relative humidity (RH), which will be measured by the connected
humidity sensor.
A decimal point on the right hand side on the LED display will light up as long the
humidifier is producing steam.
After pressing this button once, the nominal set point will be shown on the LED display.
After pressing the button a second time, the status of the maximum level sensor will be
shown on the LED display.
L 0
Max. Level sensor is not activated
L 1
Max. level sensor is activated, e.g. maximum possible water level
has been reached in the steam cylinder.
After 10 seconds the LED switches back to the standard display.
By pressing button T1 once, servicing messages (see chapter 5.4) can be reset.
activated. The steam production will be interrupted and the drainage valve will open.
During this operation, two bars will blink on the LED display. After 30 seconds the
drainage valve will automatically close. The manual drainage function can be stopped
after depressing the button T2 for two seconds.