Troubleshooting (cont.)
Cover and Seat Troubleshooting
Cover and/or seat does
not open automatically.
Cover sways when it
reaches the full open
Seat fails to open when
side sensor is activated.
Cover and/or seat raises
when it should not.
Probable Causes
A. Sensors are not enabled.
B. Automatic open and close is set
to [side sensor - lid only].
C. Sensor lenses are blocked.
D. Motion sensor is not set with
the correct sensitivity level.
A. Some cover sway is normal.
A. Sensor is not enabled.
B. Sensor is set to [side sensor -
lid only].
C. Side sensor lens is blocked or
A. Sensor sensitivity is set too
B. There is an object in the hinge
area of the cover.
Recommended Action
A. Use the remote control to enable
the sensors by selecting; [settings] >
[feature settings] > [auto open and
close] and select your desired
setting of [near], [medium], [far],
[side sensor - lid and ring] or [side
sensor - lid only].
B. Use the remote control to enable
the sensors by selecting; [settings] >
[feature settings] > [auto open and
close], and select [side sensor - lid
and ring] or [near], [medium] or
C. Clean all dirt or debris away from
the sensor lens. The lens is located
on the right side of the toilet next
to the heated feet air outlet.
D1. Use the remote control to enable
the sensor by selecting; [settings] >
[feature settings] > [auto open and
close] and [near], [medium] or
D2. Call the Customer Care Center
using the information provided on
the back page of this manual.
A1. No action required for minimal
cover sway.
A2. Call the Customer Care Center
using the information provided on
the back page of this manual.
A. Use the remote control to enable
the sensors by selecting; [settings] >
[feature settings] > [auto open and
close], and select your desired
option, [near], [medium], [far] or
[side sensor - lid and ring].
B. Use the remote control to enable
the sensors by selecting; [settings] >
[feature settings] > [auto open and
close], and select [side sensor - lid
and ring] or [near], [medium] or
C. Clean all dirt or debris away from
the sensor lens. The lens is located
on the right side of the base of the
toilet near the middle.
A. Use the remote control to change
the sensor setting by selecting;
[settings] > [feature settings] >
[auto open and close] and [near] or
B1. There is a sensor located in the
hinge to avoid pinching. Remove
any objects from the hinge area.
B2. Call the Customer Care Center
using the information provided on
the back page of this manual.
Kohler Co.