Structure and mode of operation
3.1 Measuring body
The measuring body is an aluminum bending beam on which strain gauges
(SG) are installed. The SG are arranged so that two are stretched and the
other two compressed when a force acts on the transducer.
3.2 Strain gauge covering agent
To protect the SG, the S2M force transducers are potted with a plastic mater-
ial at an appropriate place. This procedure offers the SG high protection
against environmental influences. To retain the protective capacity and ensure
permanent functionality, the force transducer potting material must not
become damaged.
Fig. 3.1:
SG installation protection
3.3 Disturbance variables
Torsion, bending and lateral loads are disturbance variables and therefore to
be avoided.
A3592-1.1 en/de/fr
Potting material