Conversion standard; <exp. DIN_ISO_18265_A1>
Hardness scale;<exp. HV>
Number of readings;<exp. 5>
Mean value;<exp. 321.6>
Minimum;<exp. 312>
Maximum;<exp. 334>
Standard deviation;<exp. 10.1>
rel. Standard dev. %;<exp. 3.15>
Value /<échelle de dureté>;Year;Month;Day;Hour;Minute;Deleted
312;2024;4;23;10;51; <La mesure 1>
.... <Autre mesures>
320;2024;4;23;10;51; <La mesure n>
Regroupement de mesures en série
Version; <(1, 0, 0)>
Probe type;<La description de type de Sonde utilisé>
Name;<Le nom de fichier>
Test load;<exp. 30>
Lower tolerance limit;<exp. 0>
Upper tolerance limit;<exp. 0>
Material section;<exp. Standard>
Material name;<exp. Steel UCI ISO>
Conversion standard; <exp. DIN_ISO_18265_A1>
Hardness scale;<exp. HV>
Number of series;<exp. 25>
Number of readings series;<exp. 5>
Series name;<Le nom de la première série>
Number of readings;<exp. 5>
Mean value;<exp. 321.6>
Minimum;<exp. 312>
Maximum;<exp. 334>
Standard deviation;<exp. 10.1>
rel. Standard dev. %;<exp. 3.15>
Value /<échelle de dureté>;Year;Month;Day;Hour;Minute;Deleted