These steps will help keep your pet safe and comfortable. Millions of pets are comfortable while they wear
stainless steel contacts. Some pets are sensitive to contact pressure. You may find after some time that
your pet is very tolerant of the collar. If so, you may relax some of these precautions. It is important to
continue daily checks of the contact area. If redness or sores are found, discontinue use until the skin has
fully healed.
• You may need to trim the hair in the area of the Contact Points. Never shave the dog's neck; this may lead
to a rash or infection.
• Always remove your dog's Receiver Collar before performing any Transmitter testing.
• The Receiver Collar should not be on your dog when the system is tested. Your pet may receive an
unintended correction.
• The Boundary Width of the system must be tested whenever an adjustment is made to the containment
field to prevent unintended corrections to your pet.
• If you use a collar and leash for training, be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the contact
• Never remove power from the system when the collar is on the pet. This may activate the Receiver Collar.
• Radio Systems
Corporation recommends the use of an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for use with
your wireless fence. Should the power go out at your home, your pet will be unprotected. Power outages
can be unpredictable, and the use of a UPS will provide you with some time to properly restrain your pet.
In rare instances, if your pet is near the boundary at the time when the power fails, it is possible that your
pet will receive a correction. This correction will stop after a 30 second timeout period has been reached.
This is due to the operation of the collar: the collar is activated by the absence of the containment signal.
While results will vary depending on the UPS manufacturer's specifications the following are typical
examples to guide your choice of UPS:
• Using a 400 VA UPS a consumer should expect 3 hours of backup time.
• Using a 900 VA UPS a consumer could expect 8 hours of backup time.
If settings below maximum fence size are used, additional backup time will result. At minimum fence size
settings backup time may be more than two times the backup time estimated at maximum fence size.
• To prevent an unintended correction, after the Boundary Flags have been placed, be sure to set the static
correction on the Receiver Collar back to level 1 tone only.
• Do not place anything on the top of the Transmitter or cover any ventilation holes. This may overheat the
Transmitter and cause early transmit failure.
• Do not place Transmitter in a closet or any other confined, unventilated area.