Lower Basket
Folding Racks
Folding racks consisting of four parts that are located on the lower basket of your machine are
designed in order to let you place big items easier such as pots, pans, etc. If requested, each
part can be folded separately, or all of them can be folded and larger spaces can be obtained.
You can use folding racks by raising them upwards, or by folding.
Modular fork spoon
According to the number of your dirty forks, spoons and knives, you can separate
your basket of modular fork and spoon into two separate parts. Hold your basket from
both sides to separate it and you can separate your basket into two separate parts by
moving the one side forward while moving the other side back. To combine your
basket back to the same, make the inverse of the same movement.
Modular basket handle has a feature of adjustable height. Once you
have separated your modular basket into two parts, you can place
your upper basket. Depending on the sub-top
position of your upper basket, you can use handle
level of the modular basket by bringing to the
positions a or b.