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Hamax ID: 522097
10502, Rev. 003, Manual Zenith Relax with carrier adapter
Hamax AS
Vålerveien 159
N-1599 Moss
Tel.: +47 69 23 38 38
email: customerservice@hamax.no
Zenith Relax w/carrier adapter
User Manual
Congratulations on purchasing the Hamax bicycle child seat. You now have
a comfortable and safe child seat that can be adjusted to fit your child as
she/he grows.
Please read the instructions carefully before assembling or using the child
Keep these instructions in a safe place as they will be useful if you later
buy extra equipment for your child seat.
I m port ant !
Wicht ig!
Vikt ig!
Vigt igt !
중요 사항
1 8 0 m
1 2 0 –
Ø = 10 – 20 mm
• A child sitting in a child seat should be dressed
• Can be mounted on bicycles with a luggage
more warmly than the rider.
carrier which meets the EN 11243 standard (25
• The child should be protected against rain
Kg or more).
with suitable waterproof garments.
• Can be mounted on bicycles with a luggage
• Remember to put the child's helmet on before
carrier with a width between 120 and 180 mm.
starting your bicycle trip.
• Can be mounted on bicycles with a luggage
• Remember that the child seat can get very hot
carrier with a tube diameter between 10 and
standing out in the sunshine, so check the
20 mm.
child seat before placing your child in it.
• Cannot be mounted on bicycles with a
• When transporting the bicycle by car (outside
luggage carrier that does not have straight
the car) remove the seat. Air turbulence might
and parallel sides.
damage the seat or loosen its fastenings to
• Cannot be mounted on bicycles with a
the cycle, which could result in an accident.
luggage carrier with a tube diameter of less
than 10 mm.
• Cannot be mounted on bicycles with a
• WARNING: Do not attach extra luggage or
luggage carrier with a tube diameter of more
equipment to the child seat, as this could lead
than 20 mm.
to the total load exceeding 22 kg. We
• Cannot be used on cycles fitted with shock
recommend that extra luggage is attached at
the front of the bicycle.
• The seat should only be mounted on a bicycle
• WARNING: Do not modify the child seat. This
which is suitable for this kind of load. Please
will automatically invalidate the guarantee
ask your bicycle supplier for detailed advice.
and the manufacturer's product liability will
• The child seat is fitted on the luggage carrier
of the bike with the carrier adapter. See
• WARNING: Be aware that the load of a child
picture 5. The carrier adapter knob must be
in the child seat may alter the bicycle's
tightened hard enough to fix the seat securely
stability and handling characteristics,
and prevent it from sliding. Make it a rule to
particularly when steering and braking.
check this before starting a trip with the bike.
• WARNING: Never leave the bicycle parked
• Make sure the carrier adapter is well
with a child in the seat unattended.
tightened and check this at regular intervals.
• WARNING: Do not use the seat if any parts
• The additional safety strap needs to be
are broken.
secured to the bicycle frame or seat post.
• WARNING: Assemble the foot protections
• For optimal comfort and safety of the child,
and make sure they are well attached.
ensure that the seat does not slope forwards,
• WARNING: The total load of the seat with
so that the child does not tend to slide out of it.
child and bagage on the carrier should never
Hamax recommends that the backrest should
exceed the maximum load of the luggage
slope backwards slightly.
• Check that all parts of the bike function
• WARNING: The additional safety strap should
correctly with the bicycle seat mounted.
be kept fastened to the bike whenever the
• Make sure any exposed rear saddle springs
seat is mounted on the bicycle.
are covered.
• WARNING: For safety reasons this seat only
be mounted on carriers approved according
to EN 11243.
• To take a child on a bicycle, the rider must
• WARNING: Make sure any exposed rear
normally be over 16 years. Check your
saddle springs are covered.
national laws and regulations.
• The child seat is approved for children from
about 9 months to 6 years or maximum 22 kg
• When cleaning the seat, use only lukewarm
weight. Ensure that you re-check from time to
soapy water.
time that the child's weight and size do not
• If the seat has been involved in an accident, is
exceed the maximum capacity of the seat.
damaged, has fallen to the ground or if the
• Do not carry a child that is too young to sit
bicycle has fallen with the seat attached,
safely in the seat. The child must be able to sit
contact your dealer to check that it can still be
unaided for a longer period of time, at least as
used. Damaged parts must always be replaced.
long as the intended bicycle journey. Please
Contact your dealer if you are not sure how to
observe the recommended minimum age. If
fit the new parts.
you are uncertain, please consult a
• Ensure that it is not possible for any part of
We wish you and your child many enjoyable
the child's body or clothing to come into
bicycle trips with your Hamax child seat!
contact with any moving part of the seat or
cycle and to re-check as the child grows, due
to the danger of entrapment of feet in the
wheel and of the fingers in brake mechanisms
and sprung saddles. The child seat gives good
side and feet protection. However, you are
recommended to buy and fit a closed wheel
guard/chain guard. You can buy this at your
bicycle dealer.
• Check there are no sharp objects, such as split
wires, on the bicycle that can harm the child.
• Ensure that the restraint system is not loose
or able to become trapped in any moving
parts particularly the wheels, including when
the cycle is ridden without a child in the seat.
• Always use the safety belt/restraint system,
ensuring the child is restrained in the seat.



Sommaire des Matières pour Hamax Zenith Relax w

  • Page 1 • The child should be protected against rain Kg or more). with suitable waterproof garments. Congratulations on purchasing the Hamax bicycle child seat. You now have • Can be mounted on bicycles with a luggage • Remember to put the child’s helmet on before...
  • Page 2 ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER 1. Siège principal 1. I st uin 2. Système de harnais 2. Turvakiinnitysjärjestelmä 3. Boucle 3. Solki 4. Supports de pieds 4. Jalkatuet 5. Adaptateur de porte-bagage complet 5. Istuimen sovitin kokonaan 1. Main seat a) Molette de fixation a) Kiinnit ysnuppi b) Goupille de verrouillage b) Lukitustappi 2. Restraint system c) Sangle de sécurité c) Turvahihna 3. Buckle 6. Bouton d’inclinaison 6. Kallistusnuppi 7. Protection de pied 7. Jalkasuoja 4.
  • Page 3 1. Siedzisko 1. Hlavné sedadlo 2. System zabezpieczający 2. Obmedzovací systém 3. Sprzączka 3. Posuvná opierka chrbta 4. Podpórki na stopy 3. Spona 5. Nasadka fotelika – całość 4. Opierky na nohy a) Pokrętło mocujące 5. Súprava adaptéra nosiča b) Bolec blokujący a) Upevňovací gombík c) Pasek zabezpieczający b) Blokovací kolík 6. Pokrętło do ustawiania fotelika w c) Bezpečnostný pás pozycji leżącej 6. Sklápací gombík 7. Osłona stóp 7. Ochrana nôh 1. Hlavné sedadlo 1. Assento principal 2. Obmedzovací systém 2. Sistema de aperto 3. Posuvná opierka chrbta 3. Fivela 4. Apoios dos pés 3. Spona 4. Opierky na nohy 5. Adaptador de Porta-bagagem 5. Adaptér nosiča komplet...
  • Page 4 Gebrauchsanleitung des tubes est compris entre 10 et 20 rapport aux doigts de l’enfant. Le siège pour enfants comporte une bonne pro- m m . – Ne peut être monté sur des bicyclettes tection latérale pour les pieds. avec un porte-bagage ne disposant pas Cependant, nous recommandons Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Kauf eines – Der Kindersitz wird mit dem Sitzadapter de côtés droits et parallèles d’acheter et d’installer un garde roues/ Hamax-Fahrradkindersitzes. Sie verfü- auf dem Rahmenrohr des Fahrrads an- – Ne peut être monté sur des bicyclettes chaîne fermé. Vous pouvez acheter ces gen jetzt über einen komfortablen und gebracht. Siehe Abbildung 5. Der avec un porte-bagage dont le diamètre composants chez votre fournisseur. sicheren Fahrradkindersitz, der mit Sitzadapterknopf muss so fest angezo- des tubes est inférieur à 10 mm. – Vérifiez qu’il n’y ait pas d’objets pointus, Ihrem Kind „mitwächst“. gen werden, dass der Sitz sicher sitzt – Ne peut être monté sur des bicyclettes tels que des câbles éraflés, sur la und nicht rutscht. Gewöhnen Sie sich avec un porte-bagage dont le diamètre...
  • Page 5 – Advarsel: Du må ikke fast ekstra baga- Seilzugenden, am Fahrrad befinden, an – Warnung: Montieren Sie den Fußschutz, – For optimal komfort og sikkerhet for sje eller utstyr til barnesetet da dette denen sich das Kind verletzen könnte. und stellen Sie sicher, dass er richtig barnet må du sikre at setet ikke heller kan føre til at den totale lasten på setet – Stellen Sie sicher, dass das befestigt ist. framover, slik at barnet ikke kan skli ut overstiger 22 kg. Vi anbefaler at ekstra Rückhaltesystem nicht locker ist oder – Warnung: Die Gesamtlast des Sitzes mit av det. Hamax anbefaler at ryggstøtten bagasje monteres foran på sykkelen. sich in beweglichen Teilen – insbeson- Kind und Gepäck auf dem Gepäckträger skal helle litt bakover. – Advarsel: Ikke gjør endringer på barne- dere den Rädern – verfangen kann; dies darf die zulässige Höchstlast des – Kontroller at alle deler på sykkelen fun- setet. Dette vil automatisk gjøre garan- gilt auch, wenn Sie ohne Kind im Gepäckträger niemals übersteigen. gerer som de skal selv med barnesetet tien ugyldig og produsentens ansvar Kindersitz mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs – Warnung: Der zusätzliche montert.
  • Page 6 Přejeme Vám a Vašemu dítěti báječ- bude užitečný, dokoupíte-li si né cyklistické výlety s dětskou se- Nicméně vám doporučujeme, abyste si možné sedlo používat. Poškozené později další vybavení sedačky. dačkou Hamax! zakoupili a namontovali uzavřený části je třeba vždy vyměnit. ochranný kryt na kolo/řetěz. Můžete je Kontaktujte svého prodejce, pokud si zakoupit u prodejce jízdních kol. I NSTALACE – Lze montovat na jízdní kola s nosičem – Zkontrolujte, zda se na jízdním kole ne- Brugervejledning zavazadel, který splňuje normu EN...
  • Page 7 – Advertencia: Asegúrese de cubrir todos producir un accidente. aquellos muelles de la parte trasera del Manual del usuario sillín que queden al descubierto. ADVERTENCI AS – Advertencia: No añada equipaje ni MANTENI MI ENTO accesorios al asiento infantil, pues eso – Para limpiar el asiento, utilice sólo agua Enhorabuena. Ha adquirido un asiento del asiento. puede hacer que se supere el límite de tibia con jabón. infantil Hamax para bicicleta. Se trata – Para que el niño disfrute de máxima co- carga total de 22 kg. Le recomendamos – Si el asiento se ha visto involucrado de un cómodo y seguro asiento infantil modidad y seguridad y no se deslice fu- que coloque el equipaje suplementario en un accidente, ha sufrido daños, se que se puede ajustar a medida que su era del asiento, compruebe que este no en la parte delantera de la bicicleta. ha caído al suelo o si la bicicleta se ha hijo crece. se inclina hacia adelante. Desde Hamax – Advertencia: No realice modificaciones caído con el asiento puesto, póngase...
  • Page 8 – Varmista, ettei ilmene mahdollisuutta, kupyörän tasapainopistettä ja sen käsit- – Radi optimalne ugodnosti i sigurnosti että lapsen kehon tai vaatetuksen jokin telyominaisuuksia erityisesti ohjattaessa djeteta osigurajte da sjedalica nije nag- UPOZORENJA osa joutuu kosketuksiin istuimen tai pol- ja jarrutettaessa. nuta naprijed kako dijete ne bi iskliznulo – Upozorenje: Na dječju sjedalicu ne kupyörän minkään liikkuvan osan kans- – Varoitus: Älä jätä polkupyörää pysäköi- iz nje. Hamax preporučuje da leđni nas- pričvršćujte dodatnu prtljagu ili dodatne sa ja tarkista asia lapsen kasvaessa, dyksi lapsen jäädessä yksin istumaan lon nagnete malo prema natrag. uređaje jer se time može prekoračiti sillä olemassa on vaara, että lapsen istuimeen ilman valvontaa. – Provjerite ispravno funkcioniranje svih maksimalna nosivost od 22 kg. jalat jäävät kiinni pyörän pinnoihin tai – Varoitus: Älä käytä istuinta, jos mikään dijelova bicikla kad je dječja sjedalica Preporučujemo da dodatnu prtljagu jarrujärjestelmän osiin tai istuimen jou- sen osa on rikkoutunut. m ontirana.
  • Page 9 – Ellenőrizze, hogy a biztonsági öv rends- – Olyan kerékpárokra szerelhető, amelyek zer nem laza-e vagy nem akadhat-e be Manuale d’uso csomagtartóinak nincsenek egyenes és a mozgó alkatrészekbe, főként a kere- párhuzamos oldalai kekbe, beleértve azt az esetet is, amikor – Olyan kerékpárokra szerelhető, amelyek a kerékpárral gyermek nélkül csomagtartó csövének átmérő szélessé- közlekedik. Congratulazioni per l’acquistato del seg- normalmente avere più di 16 anni. ge kisebb, mint 10 mm – Mindig használja a biztonsági övet/viss- giolino per biciclette Hamax. Ora avete- Consultare le leggi ed i regolamenti del – Olyan kerékpárokra szerelhető, amelyek zatartó rendszert, hogy a gyermek az un seggiolino sicuro e confortevole, proprio Paese a questo proposito. csomagtartó csövének átmérő szélessé- ülésben maradjon. adattabile man mano che il vostro – Il seggiolino è approvato per bambini ge nagyobb, mint 20 mm. – Az ülésben ülő gyermeket a vezetőhöz bambinocresce. con un’età compresa tra circa 9 mesi e – Nem szerelhető fel lengéscsillapítóval képest sokkal melegebben kell Leggere attentamente le istruzioni pri- 6 anni, oppure massimo 22 kg di peso.
  • Page 10 에 의해서 자전거의 안정성 및 조작 특성(특 히, 조향 및 제동)이 바뀔 수 있는 점에 유의 – 캐리어 어댑터를 확실하게 조였는지 점검하 Hamax 자전거 아동용 시트를 구입해 주셔서 감사합니다. 본 제품은 안전하며 안심할 수 십시오. 이 점검은 정기적으로 해야 합니다.
  • Page 11 – Waarschuwing: Verzeker er u van dat – W celu zapewnienia optymalnego kom- cie może później doprowadzić do het kindje veilig vastzit in het zitje. eventuele zadelveren behoorlijk zijn fortu i bezpieczeństwa dziecka należy wypadku. – Een kindje dat wordt vervoerd in het afgeschermd. upewnić się, czy fotelik nie przesuwa się kinderzitje dient warmer te zijn aange- – Waarschuwing: Verzeker er u van dat do przodu, co może spowodować OSTRZEŻENIA kleed dan de fietser zelf. eventuele wysunięcie się dziecka. Hamax zaleca, – Uwaga: Nie dołączać do fotelika dodat- – Bescherm uw kind steeds van de weer- zadelveren voldoende zijn afgeschermd. aby oparcie było lekko przechylone do kowego bagażu lub wyposażenia, gdyż somstandigheden met gepaste, regen- tyłu. może to spowodować przekroczenie bestendige kledij. – Po zamontowaniu fotelika należy spra- wartości dopuszczalnego obciążenia (22 ONDERHOUD – Vergeet niet uw kindje uit te rusten met – Om het zitje te reinigen gebruikt u enkel wdzić prawidłowe działanie wszystkich kg). Zalecamy, aby dodatkowy bagaż...
  • Page 12 MANUTENÇÃO Instruções de utilização da bicicleta – Use apenas sabão e água morna para – Advertência: Não modifique a cadeira. alimpeza da cadeira. Isto invalidará a garantia e a responsa- – Se cadeira esteve envolvida num aci- bilização por parte do fabricante. dente, está danificada, tenha caído ao Parabéns por ter adquirido a cadeira – Verifique que todas as peças da bicicleta – Advertência: Lembre-se de que o peso chão ou caso a bicicleta tenha caído infantil de bicicleta Hamax. Dispõe funcionam corretamente com a cadeira da criança pode alterar a estabilidade da com a cadeira fixada, contacte o seu agora de uma cadeira confortável e de bicicleta montada. bicicleta e as suas características de distribuidor para avaliar se ainda pode segura que acompanha o crescimento manobra, principalmente durante as ser utilizada. Os componentes danifi- do seu filho. UTI LI ZAÇÃO curvas e a utilização dos travões. cados devem sempre ser substituídos. Leia atentamente as instruções abaixo – Normalmente, para transportar uma cri- –...
  • Page 13 – Для оптимального комфорта и посадить в него ребенка. – Verificaţi ca la bicicletă să nu existe şi a bagajului de pe adaptor nu trebuie безопасности ребенка, убедитесь, что – Снимите детское кресло, если obiecte ascuţite, cum ar fi cabluri rupte, să depăşească sarcina maximă кресло не покосилось вперед, в транспортируете велосипед care pot accidenta copilul. – Avertisment: Centura suplimentară de противном случае ребенок может автомобилем (снаружи автомобиля). – Asiguraţi-vă că sistemul de prindere nu siguranţă trebuie să fie fixată la bicicletă соскользнуть с него. Компания Hamax Завихрение потока воздуха может este liber şi că nu poate fi blocat în de fiecare dată când scaunul este mon- рекомендует устанавливать кресло повредить кресло или ослабить componentele mobile, în special ale roţi- tat pe bicicletă так, чтобы спинка находилась под систему его крепления к велосипеду, lor, inclusiv atunci când bicicleta este – Avertisment: Din motive de siguranţă, небольшим наклоном назад. что может привести к несчастному utilizată fără un copil în scaun. acest scaun trebuie să fie montat doar – Проверьте правильную...
  • Page 14 Grattis till ditt köp av en cykelbarnsits gäller i ditt land. – Varning: Den extra säkerhetsremmen arna ska monteras, kontakta din från Hamax. Nu har du en bekväm och – Sitsen är godkänd för barn från cirka 9 ska alltid vara fäst på cykeln när sitsen återförsäljare. säker barnsits som kan justeras så att månader till 6 år, eller max. 22 kg vikt. är monterad på cykeln. den passar ditt barn i takt med att han Var noga med att regelbundet kontrolle- – Varning: Av säkerhetsskäl får denna sits Vi h op p as at t d u och d it t b ar n f år eller hon växer.
  • Page 15 – Skontrolujte, či je adaptér nosiča doti- bicykla. Želáme vám a vášmu dieťaťu mnoho bezpečné a pohodlné detské sedadlo, ktoré ahnutý a pravidelne ho kontrolujte. – Varovanie: Nemeňte detské sedadlo. radostných výletov na bicykli s vaším sa dá prispôsobiť rastu vášho dieťaťa. – Dodatočný bezpečnostný popruh sa musí Toto automaticky zruší záruku a zodp- detským sedadlom Hamax! pripevniť k rámu bicykla alebo k sedlovej ovednosť výrobcu za výrobok. Starostlivo si prosím prečítajte pokyny trubke. – Varovanie: Nezabudnite, že hmotnosť pred montážou alebo pred použitím – Pre optimálne pohodlie a bezpečnosť detského sedadla. dieťaťa sa uistite, že sedadlo nie je nak- lonené dopredu, aby dieťa nemalo ten- Ръководство за потребителя...
  • Page 16 се монтира само върху стойки, – Çocuğun en yüksek konfor ve emniyetle ceğinden, çocuk koltuğuna ilave bagaj закачи до подвижни части, особено одобрени по EN 11243. seyahat edebilmesi için, koltuğun öne veya ekipman yüklemeyin/bağlamayın. колелата, дори тогава, когато – Предупреждение: Убедете се, че doğru eğim yapmadığını ve çocuğun İlave bagajları bisikletin ön kısmına sa- велосипедът се кара без дете в всички открити задни пружини на kayarak düşmesine neden olacak bir ko- bitlemenizi öneririz седалката. седалката са покрити numda olmadığını kontrol edin. Hamax, – Uyarı: Çocuk koltuğu üzerinde değişiklik – Винаги използвайте осигурителната sırtlığın hafifçe geriye yatırılmasını yapmayın. Bu, ürününüzün garantisinin система/предпазния колан, ПОДДРЪЖКА önerir. geçersiz olmasına neden olur ve üretici- гарантиращи, че детето е осигурено в – При почистване на седалката – Bisiklet koltuğu monte edilmiş haldey- nin ürün üzerindeki sorumluluğu sona седалката. използвайте само топла сапунена ken bisikletin tüm parçalarının sorunsuz erer.
  • Page 17 – Попередження: Загальна вага крісла з – Koltuk bir kazaya karışmış, hasar emin değilseniz ürünü aldığınız firma посадити в нього дитину. дитиною й багажем на багажнику не görmüş, yere düşmüş veya bisiklet, ile bağlantıya geçin. – Зніміть дитяче крісло, якщо повинна перевищувати максимально koltuk takılıyken devrilmişse, halen транспортуєте велосипед автомобілем допустимої ваги багажника kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını öğren- Hamax çocuk koltuğu ile size ve ço- (ззовні автомобіля). Завихрення – Попередження: Додатковий ремінь mek için bayinizle iletişime geçin. cuğunuza keyifli yolculuklar diliyoruz. потоку повітря може пошкодити безпеки повинен завжди бути надійно Hasar gören parçaların mutlaka крісло або послабити систему його прикріплений до велосипеда, коли на кріплення до велосипеда, що може ньому встановлене крісло призвести до нещасного випадку. – Попередження: Для забезпечення...
  • Page 18 Unscrew the carrier adapter ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Screw the claws outward by turning the knob (5a) counterclockwise untill the claws fit around the luggage carrier. The knob needs to be pushed in while turning. debe presionar el mando mientras lo draaien, tot de klauwen rond de Dévissez les crampons en tournant Zaskrutkujte výstupky smerom bagagedrager passen. U moet de knop gira.
  • Page 19 Place the seat on the luggage carrier ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Position the seat (1) as much towards the front as possible while still leaving room for reclining the seat. Make sure the centre of gravity mark (8) is less than 10 cm behind the rear hub.
  • Page 20 Fasten the seat on the luggage carrier kiinni ja se ei pääse liukumaan. Strângeţi suficient de tare pentru a fixa ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Ota tavaksi tarkistaa tämä ennen scaunul în siguranţă şi pentru a-l pyörällä liikkeelle lähtöä. împiedica să alunece. Faceţi-vă o regulă din a verifica aceasta Fix the seat to the luggage carrier Pričvrstite sjedalicu na nosač înainte de a pleca într-o cursă cu prtljage tako da pritisnete i okrećete bicicleta. by pushing in and turning the knob (5a) gumb (5a) nadesno dok hvataljke ne zahvate bočne cijevi nosača prtljage. Установите кресло на багажник, clockwise until the claws grasp the side Sjedalica mora biti sigurno učvršćena i...
  • Page 21 Fasten the additional security strap ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER The additional security strap needs to be secured to the frame or seat post. Lead the security strap (5c) through the holes as shown in pic. 1 & 2, then pull at the end to tighten it.
  • Page 22 Foot rest adjustment ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER How to release the foot rest (4): Release the footrest handle on the back by flipping it upwards. Move the foot rest (4) to the preferred height and fasten the foot rest by pressing the foot rest handle down.
  • Page 23 Foot strap adjustment ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER How to fasten/release the foot strap (a): To fasten the foot strap put the strap into the track and pull down to preferred length. The strap will automatically lock. It’s only possible to tighten the strap when it is in the track. To loosen the foot strap, just pull it out of the track.
  • Page 24 Extra footguard ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER To mount the extra footguard (7): Press the footguard into the fitting grooves until it clicks. CLICK! Opposite view zoom Pour monter la protection de pieds Lisäpinnasuojan kiinnitys Paina Aby zamontować specjalną osłonę Montáž extra ochrany nôh (7): supplémentaire (7) : Poussez la pinnasuojaa asennusuriin, kunnes przed szprychami (7): Wcisnąć osłonę Stlačte ochranu nôh do drážok, kým protection de pied dans les rainures kuuluu naksahdus. do pasujących rowków do momentu nezapadne do svojej polohy. d’ajustement jusqu’à ce qu’elle kliknięcia.
  • Page 25 Restraint system Pic. 1 ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER The restraint system (2) can be attached and detached by pressing in or out the buckle (3) shown in pic. 1. It is important to press at the middle of the buckle button (pic. 2 & 3) when Where to push: detaching the restraint system.
  • Page 26 Chest buckle adjustment ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Pic. 1 The restraint system length can be adjusted by adjusting buckle a Pic. 2 and b. To adjust buckles (a+b) hold the buckle as shown in pic. 1. By pressing the red button, the belt loosens by pulling the buckle upwards.
  • Page 28 Before embarking on a bicycle trip ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER • Adjust the restraint system (2) • Adjust the foot rests (4) and fasten foot straps • Check if the carrier adapter (5) still is secured well and does not slide •...
  • Page 29 – Állítsa be a (2) biztonsági övet – Regulujemy pasy bezpieczeństwa (2) – Justera säkerhetsselen (2) – Emniyet kemerini ayarlayın (2) – Állítsa be a lábtartókat és húzza meg a – Regulujemy podpórki na stopy i paski – Justera fotstöden och sätt fast fotrem- – Ayak dayama yerini ayarlayın ve ayak (4) lábszíjakat zabezpieczające (4) marna (4) kayışlarını sıkıştırın (4) – Ellenőrizze, hogy a tartó csatlakozó – Sprawdzamy, czy nasadka fotelika (5) – Kontrollera att adaptern (5) fortfarande – Taşıyıcı adaptörün (5) hala iyi sabitlenip elem (5) továbbra is rögzített és nem jest mocno osadzona i nie przesuwa się sitter fast ordentligt och att det inte sabitlenmediğini ve kayıp kaymadığını csúszkál – Zawsze należy pamiętać o kaskach glider kontrol edin – A gyermek és a felnőtt is mindig viseljen ochronnych na głowę dla dziecka i dla –...
  • Page 30 How to remove the Carrier Adapter ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER The carrier adapter for luggage carrier mounting can be taken off the Zenith seat and can be replaced by a carrier bow. To do this you need to take the seat off the carrier adapter. Unscrew the knob (5a) by pushing it in and turning counterclockwise until the seat is loose enough to take off.
  • Page 31 Súpravu adaptéra nosiča batožiny Istnieje możliwość zdjęcia nasadki môžete zo sedadla Zenith odobrať a z fotelika Zenith i zastąpienia jej namiesto neho tam dať oblúk nosiča. pałąkiem mocującym. Ak tak chcete urobiť, musíte odobrať W tym celu należy najpierw zdjąć fotelik sedadlo z adaptéra nosiča. z nasadki. Odkręć pokrętło (5a) Odskrutkujte gombík (5a) tak, že ho naciskając je i przekręcając w lewo do stlačíte a otočíte proti smeru momentu, aż będzie można swobodnie hodinových ručičiek, až kým sa sedadlo zdjąć fotelik. neuvoľní tak, aby ste ho mohli odobrať. O adaptador de porta-bagagem Adaptér nosiča pre montáž nosiča para montagem no porta-bagagem batožiny sa dá odstrániť zo sedadla pode ser retirado da cadeira Zenith e Zenith a dá sa nahradiť oblúkom nosiča. pode ser substituído por um arco de Nato musíte odstrániť sedadlo z transporte. adaptéra nosiča. Zatlačením a otáčaním Para o fazer precisa de retirar a cadeira proti smeru hodinových ručičiek do adaptador de porta-bagagem. odskrutkujte gombík (5a), až kým Desaperte o botão (5a) empurrando-o sedadlo nie je dostatočne voľné na e rodando no sentido contrário aos odobratie. ponteiros do relógio até a cadeira estar suficientemente solta para a retirar. Адаптерът на седалката може да се свали от седалката Zenith и да се Adaptorul de fixare pentru замени с носеща дъга.
  • Page 32 How to remove the Carrier Adapter ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Turn the seat (1) upside down. Twist the locking pin (5b) to the unlocked position (pic. 1), then push it through from the opposite side of the seat, while pulling it out (pic. 2 & 3).
  • Page 33 How to remove the Carrier Adapter ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER You can now separate the seat (1) and carrier adapter (5) by lifting off the carrier adapter. Vous pouvez maintenant séparer Most leválaszthatja az (1) ülést és Nu kan du separera sitsen (1) och le siège (1) de l’adaptateur de porte- az (5) tartó csatlakozóelemet a tartó pakethållaradaptern (5) genom att lyfta bagages (5) en le soulevant de csatlakozóelem leemelésével. bort adaptern. l’adaptateur de porte-bagages. A questo punto è possibile Teraz môžete oddeliť sedadlo (1) a Jetzt können Sie Sitz (1) und separare il seggiolino (1) e l’adattatore...
  • Page 34 Changing to a carrier bow ZENITH RELAX W/CARRIER ADAPTER Mount the carrier bar to the seat: Insert the carrier bow through the holes lengthwise under the seat base. Insert a carrier bow locking pin (note that this is a different...
  • Page 35 각 단계에 대한 자세한 설명과 그림은 당사의 co n su l t e o n o sso w e b si t e : prije konačnog namještanja. základňou sedadla a podržte ho v 웹 사이트(www.hamax.com)를 참조하십시오. w w w .h a m a x .co m Umetnite stremen nosača u zatezni odomknutej polohe, aby ste mohli držač na biciklu, a zatim namjestite...
  • Page 36 10 cm ayarlayın. Ayarlamadan sonra, eksantrik mili kilitleme pimini kilitli konuma getirerek koltuğu kilitleyin. Her adıma ait ayrıntılı yönergeler v e r e si m l e r i çi n , l ü t f e n w e b sitemize bakın: www.hamax.com Встановлення підвіски багажника на крісло: Вставте дугу багажника в отвори по всій довжині під основою крісла. Вставте стопорний штифт дуги багажника ( прийміть до уваги, що це...