5.7 - Security stickers fixing
6.1- Normal using
This manual system is designed to build horizontal sliding doors. The customer must use an internal or external handle to open
or close the door.
6.2- Risk following intentional acts of persons other than the user
Risque pour les mains
6.3- Identification stickers
guiding profile
"Crushing of fingers placed over the leaf when the door opens (ramps come up)"
"Crushing of fingers placed between trolley and butt, at the end of the opening time or when the
door closes"
"Crushing of fingers placed between lift handle and frame butt
"Foot at the back of the leaf (opening side) may be swept away, when door opens"
On frame under plate butt
Stickers must be as close as possible the risk area.
1) Maker name and adress
(2) the last two digits of the certification year
(3) Standard reference
(4) Product description and foreseen application
(5) Identification number
(6) Essential product characteristics
(7) CE conventional sign (Directive 98/68/CEE)
(8) Construction Products Directive, Machine and Working
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CE Sticker example