Device Usage (Windows & macOS Environment)
Login For Admin & User (Admin Enabled)
If the device is initialized with Admin and User Passwords (Admin Role) enabled, the IronKey VP50/VP50C
application will launch, prompting for the User Password login screen first. From here you can login with the User
Password, view any entered contact Information, or Login as Admin (Figure 5.1). By clicking on the 'Login as Admin'
button (shown below) the application will proceed to the Admin Login menu where you can login As Admin to
access the Admin settings and features. (Figure 5.2)
Figure 5.1 - User Password Login (Admin enabled)
Login for User-Only Mode (Admin not Enabled)
As previously mentioned previously on Page 13,
although it is recommended to use the Admin Role
functionality to get the full benefit of your device,
The IronKey drive can also be initialized in a User-
Only (Single Password, Single User) configuration.
This is an option for those who would like a simple,
single password approach to securing the data on
your drive. (Figure 5.3)
Note: To enable Admin and user Passwords, use the
Reset Device button to put the drive back into the
initialization state where you can enable Admin and
User Passwords.
ALL Data on the drive will be
formatted and lost forever when a Reset Device
Figure 5.2 - Admin Password Login
Figure 5.3 - User Password Login (Admin not enabled)