TIMER RTC function is available in all units but its configuration is only through Modbus parameterization (see Modbus
map holding registers 40083 to 40100 and 40152 to 40319). This functionality allows:
• Schedule each hour of the week independently
• Schedule holidays period
The TIMER RTC function requires the equipment to be set to date and time. By factory default, the device comes with
the date 01/01/21 and the time 00:00. The time programming must be done through Modbus parameterization and
holding registers 40095 to 40100.
The battery (location BT1) will allow the equipment to keep the date and time when it is not powered. Remove the
battery seal at start-up.
6.7. USB
The USB connector, located in J17 position, allows two functionalities:
• File creation with operation report together with alarm records
• Software update together with installation process report
The procedure to follow:
1. ECOWATT PLUS device without supply voltage
2. Placing USB device in J17 connector
3. Power up ECOWATT PLUS unit
4. Wait until LED D4, green, is on steadily
5. To remove USB device (turn off the device not required)
6. USB connection to PC to open files created
6.7.1. Operation/alarm report
Once the above steps have been followed, a file with "COMPT.TXT" name and extension will be generated. When open,
the information recorded in the following table will appear:
Seconds Power:
Minutes Power:
Days Power:
Seconds Motor:
Minutes Motor:
Days Motor:
Num Alarms Probe 1:
Num Alarms Probe 2:
Num Alarms Probe 3:
Num Alarms Motor:
Alarm Motor Type 1:
Year Alarm Motor 1:
Month Alarm Motor 1:
Day Alarm Motor 1:
Hour Alarm Motor 1:
Minute Alarm Motor 1:
Second Alarm Motor 1:
Alarm Motor Type 2:
Equipment time receiving power
Equipment time receiving power and motor rotating
AI1 analog input concentration alarm counter
AI2 analog input concentration alarm counter
AI3 analog input concentration alarm counter
Motor alarm counter (< 300 rpm)
0: There has been no alarm
1: Alarm recorded
Time and date of last motor alarm
0: There has been no alarm
1: Alarm recorded