In addition to operation modes described in previous section, ECOWATT PLUS units allow other functionalities described
in following sections.
Located in J3 terminals, they allow remote stop/start via normally open voltage free contact. The equipment is delivered
with a factory-made bridge that allows the equipment to run directly. Once jumper is opened, the fan will stop internal
readings and sending 0V to the motor. Despite this, control will continue to supply the motor with 230V.
6.2. BOOST
Boost functionality consists of setting the fan to the maximum configured performance. From factory the boost setpoint
is 10V (maximum possible performance of the equipment). In case require a different setpoint, this must be done by
means of parametrization via Modbus.
Boost activation is through a normally open voltage free contact located at J4 terminal. Therefore, making a bridge be-
tween terminals will activate the boost until it is no longer present.
6.3. NIGHT
Night mode shares same J5 terminals as MIN/MAX operation mode described in section 5.4. Therefore, night mode
described in this section will only be effective when equipment is working in COP, CAV or VAV modes.
Activation by a normally open voltage free contact that will automatically switch the equipment to 50% of setpoint
depending on the operation mode configured (Examples: when in COP mode at 110Pa setpoint, it will change to 50Pa.
When in CAV mode at 1100 m³/h, it will change to 550 m³/h. In VAV mode and 8V output, it will become 4V).
ECOWATT PLUS units incorporate a switched alarm relay located at J6 terminals. This function provides alarm for motor
failure. In this case, the motor will stop, the relay will change position and D3 red LED will be permanently activated. The
resetting of this alarm will be manual type by means of power supply interruption and next activation.
6.5.1. Basic characteristics
All ECOWATT PLUS units incorporate Modbus RTU communication protocol with a factory default configuration des-
cribed below:
Interface type
Transmission speed
Communication channel
Bits per byte
6.5.2. Parameterization via Modbus
The built-in control electronics are designed to give priority to settings made manually using microswitches and poten-
tiometer (hardware). Therefore, before modifying parameters via Modbus, it is necessary to position microswitch S1.3
from hardware parameterization to Modbus:
OFF: Hardware parameterization (selector and switches)
ON: Modbus parameterization
Once parameterization via Modbus has been activated, basic communication parameters can be modified via Modbus.
These will not take effect until microswitches S3.1 and S3.2 are modified to give priority to modified holding registers.
OFF: Force cannel 1 Modbus communication
ON: Modbus communication channel depending on holding register 40001
OFF: Modbus communication parameters: 19200, even, 1stop bit
ON: Communication parameters according to holding registers 40002 - 40003
Modbus RTU (RS485)
1 stop bit