5. After 15 minutes add the leak rings and let them cook for 1 minutes.
6. Spice up the soup with a dash of rice win or sherry, basil pepper and salt.
cHicKen WiTH VegeTaBles ( fOR 2 PeRsOns)
250g chicken filet (sliced up into cubes)
½ onion cut up fine
½ red pepper into slices
150g broccoli
150g mushroom slices
1 table spoon of oil
rice wine or sherry
if preferred a bit of garlic
1. Turn the wok on to a high temperature and let it heat up.
2. When the wok is hot add the oil.
3. As soon as the oil becomes hot add the chicken.
4. Let the chicken bake for 5 minutes and than remove the chicken.
5. Now do the same with the vegetables and add a bit of rice wine or sherry.
6. After 5 minutes add the chicken and let everything bake shortly.
Tip : marinade lovers can of course marinate the chicken before baking it.
cHicKen WiTH gReen PePPeR
1 hole chicken cut into pieces
5 red onions
5 tomatoes
1 small courgette
1 teaspoon of green pepper berries
4 dl vegetable broth
5 tablespoons olive oil
pepper and salt
1. Slice the courgette in small long strings with a potato peeler.
2. Let the sliced onions bake for 5 minutes in the oil in the wok.
3. Spice up the chicken with pepper and salt and powder with flour.
4. Remove the onions from the woken bake the chicken.