PRO MIXER NOX101 Controls
Step 2: Controls
(1) PEAK LED lights when the microphone
input signal clips. If this happens, lower the
MIC GAIN knob.
(2) MIC GAIN knob adjusts the sensitivity of the
microphone input.
(3) HIGH and LOW knobs adjust the
microphone EQ.
(4) CURVE switch selects how gradually the
channel fader raises the volume, from an even
taper across the faders travel, to a steep jump
near the top of the fader track.
(5) CHANNEL FADER adjusts the
channel's volume.
(6) CHANNEL EQ knobs adjust the HIGH, MID,
and LOW frequencies of the channel.
(7) POWER LED lights when the mixer is
powered on.
(8) METER button selects whether the
VU METERS display the main or PFL
signal level.
(9) REV LED lights when the REV button
is engaged.
CHANNEL GAIN knob adjusts the sensitivity
of the channel inputs.
MASTER knob adjusts the output of the
MIC LEVEL knob adjusts the microphone
CUE GAIN knob adjusts the level of the cue
(headphone) signal.
VU METER displays the main stereo signal
when the METER button is set to MAIN,
and displays the channel 1 and 2 signals
when set to PFL.
CUE FADER blends the content of the cue
signal between channel 1 and channel 2
for headphone monitoring.
PHONO/LINE switch selects either the
PHONO or LINE inputs as the channel's
audio source.
CROSSFADER fades between channel 1
and channel 2.
XFADE CURVE knob determines how steep or
gradual the fade between channel 1 and 2 is.
REV button switches the position of channel 1
and 2 on the CROSSFADER.
PHONE/LINE button optimizes the PHONO
inputs for use with a turntable or
line-level source.
POWER switch turns the power on and off.