Attention! Before the fi rst use of the device you must remove protection foil from all surfaces and wash the
device with moist cleaning cloth dipped in the water with detergent. Than dry it with cloth.
The fi rst switching on device must be performed in a well ventilated room. The "burning of plates" takes about
30 minutes. After these 30 minutes the device is ready for operation.
Turn the knob (A) and adjust required performance. Pilot lamp (B) will light. Pilot lamp (B) lights when the
device is connected to the electricity and switched on. Switch the device off by turning the knob (A) into
Attention! Before the fi rst use of the device you must remove protection foil from all surfaces and wash the
position „0".
device with moist cleaning cloth dipped in the water with detergent. Than dry it with cloth.
Attention! Before the fi rst use of the device you must remove protection foil from all surfaces and wash the
device with moist cleaning cloth dipped in the water with detergent. Than dry it with cloth.
The fi rst switching on device must be performed in a well ventilated room. The "burning of plates" takes about
30 minutes. After these 30 minutes the device is ready for operation.
We recommend to have the device checked once a year by the professional service. Only qualifi ed or
The fi rst switching on device must be performed in a well ventilated room. The "burning of plates" takes about
competent persons can do interventions in the product. Comments and recommendation. Use the device
30 minutes. After these 30 minutes the device is ready for operation.
Turn the knob (A) and adjust required performance. Pilot lamp (B) will light. Pilot lamp (B) lights when the
only under supervision.
device is connected to the electricity and switched on. Switch the device off by turning the knob (A) into
Turn the knob (A) and adjust required performance. Pilot lamp (B) will light. Pilot lamp (B) lights when the
position „0".
device is connected to the electricity and switched on. Switch the device off by turning the knob (A) into
position „0".
We recommend to have the device checked once a year by the professional service. Only qualifi ed or
competent persons can do interventions in the product. Comments and recommendation. Use the device
We recommend to have the device checked once a year by the professional service. Only qualifi ed or
only under supervision.
competent persons can do interventions in the product. Comments and recommendation. Use the device
only under supervision.
Control of the electic oven (STATIC)
You can choose to switch the control knob into select position for top and bottom heaters at the
same time (position 1), or just the bottom heater (position 3) or upper heater (position 2). This is
Control of the electic oven (STATIC)
Control of the electic oven (STATIC)
indicated by green LED. Set the control knob into desired temperature. Working heater is indicated
You can choose to switch the control knob into select position for top and bottom heaters at the
You can choose to switch the control knob into select position for top and bottom heaters at the
by orange LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the requested temperature. Turn off
same time (position 1), or just the bottom heater (position 3) or upper heater (position 2). This is
same time (position 1), or just the bottom heater (position 3) or upper heater (position 2). This is
the oven by turning both knobs to „0".
indicated by green LED. Set the control knob into desired temperature. Working heater is indicated
indicated by green LED. Set the control knob into desired temperature. Working heater is indicated
by orange LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the requested temperature. Turn off
by orange LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the requested temperature. Turn off
the oven by turning both knobs to „0".
Control of the convection oven
the oven by turning both knobs to „0".
Turn the control knob to the right, will turn on the fan. This is signalized with a green LED. After
Control of the convection oven
Control of the convection oven
that, set the control knob into desired temperature. Working of the heater is indicated by orange
Turn the control knob to the right, will turn on the fan. This is signalized with a green LED. After
Turn the control knob to the right, will turn on the fan. This is signalized with a green LED. After
LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the desired temperature. Turn off the oven by
that, set the control knob into desired temperature. Working of the heater is indicated by orange
that, set the control knob into desired temperature. Working of the heater is indicated by orange
turning left into the "0".
LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the desired temperature. Turn off the oven by
LED, when light goes off, the oven is preheated to the desired temperature. Turn off the oven by
turning left into the "0".
turning left into the "0".
Přepínač stacionární trouby
Přepínač stacionární trouby
Přepínač stacionární trouby
Regulační knofl ík teploty
Regulační knofl ík teploty
Regulační knofl ík teploty
stacionární trouby
stacionární trouby
stacionární trouby
Regulační knofl ík teploty
Regulační knofl ík teploty
Regulační knofl ík teploty
horkovzdušné trouby
horkovzdušné trouby
horkovzdušné trouby