How to Operate the Machine
To operate the machine, follow this procedure:
1. Set any exposed nails with a hammer and punch
to avoid encounter with sanding drum. Connect
the machine to an appropriate grounded and
fused circuit (power supply). Press the selector
switch to the start (S) position. Once started, al-
low switch to return to run (R) position.
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the
surface, make sure the machine is
always moving when the sanding
drum is in contact with the floor.
2. Work right to left. For each forward pass, move
the machine 4" over the pass you have just fin-
ished. Retrace your reverse path without overlap-
ping. See figure # 11
3. Feather-cut in by easing the sanding drum down
onto the surface with the control lever while the
sander is in motion.
4. When sanding drum is fully engaged with the
surface, release control lever and adjust your
pace for adequate stock removal. Keep sander
in motion while the sanding drum is engaged with
the surface or dwell marks will occur.
5. Move the machine in the direction of the grain in
the wood whenever possible. Sand the surface at
a constant pace.
6. Gradually feather-cut out at the termination point
(the end of your pass) by easing the sanding drum
up with the control lever. Stagger the termination
points for a better blend when edging.
See figure # 11.
7. When replacing abrasive, emptying contents of
dust bag, or when sanding operation is completed,
press selector switch to off (O) position. Discon-
nect the machine from the power supply.
8. Empty dust bag whenever it is 1/3 full. Never
leave a dust bag unattended with sanding dust
in it. Sanding dust can spontaneously ignite and
cause a fire or explosion. Empty dust into a metal
container clear of any combustible material.
Figure 11
American Sanders
Operator's Manual (EN) - EZ-8 Sander
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