If the "top open" input is deactivated in the industrial models, or the coin slot key or CP of the professional
models is removed, the machine automatically leaves "Credit mode". If the machine is in a secondary screen
of the main menu (configuration, maintenance...) and it exits "Credit Mode", it acts as if it were in this mode
until exiting the Main menu (saving the changes). Once the machine has reached the Main screen, it exits
credit mode.
7.4 Run Screen
When START is pressed, the programme begins and the Run Screen is displayed.
While in run mode, it is also possible to enter "Credit mode" as described above. If this mode is entered, it
automatically exits self-service mode and behaves as if it were in OPL mode, displaying the information
defined on the OPL Run Screen and offering the option to perform all the actions defined on this screen.
In self-service mode, the option to forward or pause the programme does not exist unless "Credit mode" is
Nor is the STOP button for aborting a programme there by default, although it can be activated using the
If the STOP button is pressed, there is a grace period during which it is possible to abort a programme without
losing the credit inserted. If the programme is aborted twice during the grace period, the credit will be lost.
At the end of the grace period, to abort the programme it is necessary to hold the button down for 3 seconds,
and any credit will be lost.
Machine identifier: Label identifying the machine.
Time: Time and minutes in the selected format.
Programme name: Name configured for the selected programme.
Programme number and length: Position of the programme in the list of programmes (My
Programmes), and the estimated length in minutes for the programme selected.
Programme progress indicator: Status of programme progress, relation between total time and time
remaining for programme.
Status (drawing): Animated drawing showing the current cycle of the washing machine (filling, draining,
washing, rinsing, spinning or untangling).
Currently running cycle: Identifier and name of currently running cycle.
Stop (default setting disabled): Button to stop and cancel the programme. A confirmation message will
be requested.
Translation of original instructions.