Cycle library
The name of each cycle can be modified from the cycle library. Once included in a programme, when
displaying the cycle information, the name displayed for the cycle will be different. It will be a dynamic name
consisting of the phase type and a parameter (Tº, rpm)
The cycle library will be editable, and the existing cycles can be created, modified, copied or deleted (See
section 3.1).
Create cycle: Creation of new wash cycles. When this button is pressed, the user is asked to
enter the name of the new programme.
Next, the following screen is displayed to select the cycle type to be created: soak. prewash, wash,
rinse or spin.
Copy cycle: Copy an existing cycle from the library, giving it a new name.
Delete cycle: Delete cycles stored in the library.
Change cycle: Modification of the selected cycle parameters.
Translation of original instructions.