Basic operation
Power on
Power off
Start mowing
Stop mower operation
Send mower to the charging station
Restart the mower
Lock the mower
Unlock the mower
Force to reboot the mower
How to enter PIN code
If the mower has been locked, enter the PIN code before operating the mower. The default code is 0000. Press MOW or HOME to change the number and
press OK to confirm the code. You can change the PIN code by increasing or decreasing the numbers on the control panel.
Press and hold OK for 3s. The mower cannot be turned off when it's in the charging station. When the mower is
turned off, you will hear a sound, display on the mower and the ambient light will be off.
Power it off first, then press OK, or push the mower into the charging station.
Press and hold MOW+HOME for 3s.
Press OK.
Press MOW and then OK.
Press STOP.
Press HOME and then OK.
Enter the PIN code.
Press OK for more than 10s.