Risycor is a corrosion monitor for heating and cooling installations.
From studies with regard to corrosion processes in heating installations
and directives, it has been shown that corrosion is quite a complex
phenomenon that is influenced by many factors. Everyone agrees,
however, that the presence of oxygen in the water system is the main
factor responsible for the uniform corrosion in a system. Based on
the electromagnetic principle, such as used in a proximity switch,
Risycor measures the mass loss of a 50 µm iron coupon with very high
accuracy. This unique method for the measurement of the uniform
corrosion is patented under the patent number EP2081009 (B1).
The major causes of oxygen in the system water are as follows:
inadequate pressure maintenance!
oxygen ingress resulting from diffusion through materials that
are not oxygen-tight (plastic pipes, rubber hoses, membranes of
expansion tanks, etc.);
oxygen in the make-up water due to improper topping up
(~10 mg/l);
oxygen in the residual air due to insufficient venting of the system
during initial filling;
oxygen in the filling water (~10 mg/l) during the initial filling;
open systems.
90% of the corrosion problems are caused by sucking in oxygen
due to inadequate pressure maintenance (expansion system), some
examples of this are:
oxygen entry through negative pressure zones in the system;
incorrect inflation pressure;
expansion vessel too small;