Local configuration
Live view performance:
Live indicator:
Image format:
Record file size:
Save record files to:
Save downloaded files to:
Save live snapshots to:
Snapshots during playback:
Save clips to:
Setting the transmission protocol (default: TCP)
Select the priority for display in the browser here (priority on image
stream or image quality).
Display of all event animations in the live image (e.g. frame for
motion detection). These animations are also recorded to the
recording device.
Select the encoding format for saving single frames using the
browser live interface.
Select the size of video sequences for saving videos
using the browser live interface.
Select the path for video recording.
Select the path for video files downloaded from the
SD card.
Select the encoding format for saving images using the
browser live interface.
Select the path for saving images during playback.
Select the path for saving video clips during playback.