corners or sharp edges or if it rebounds off them.
This can cause a loss of control or kickback.
e) Do not use chains or toothed saw blades. Such
accessories often cause a kickback or loss of con-
trol over the power tool.
Special safety instructions for grinding and ab-
rasive cutting
a) Use only the grinding accessories approved
for your power tool and the appropriate blade
guard for these grinding tools. Grinding tools
that are not designed for the power tool cannot be
sufficiently shielded and are unsafe.
b) Offset grinding discs must be fitted so that the
grinding surface does not protrude over the le-
vel of the blade guard edge. An improperly fitted
grinding disc which protrudes over the level of the
blade guard edge cannot be properly guarded.
c) The blade guard must be securely moun-
ted on the power tool and adjusted to ensure
maximum safety so that the smallest possib-
le amount of the grinding tool is open to the
operator. The blade guard is designed to protect
the operator from fragments, accidental contact
with the grinding tool and sparks that could ignite
d) Grinding tools should only be used for the re-
commended applications. For example: Never
grind with the side surface of a cutting disc.
Cutting discs are designed to remove material with
the edge of the disc. Any lateral application of force
on these grinding tools can lead to breakage.
e) Always use an undamaged clamping flange
of the correct size and shape for the selected
grinding disc. Suitable flanges support the grin-
ding disc and reduce the risk of disc breakage.
Flanges for cutting discs can be different to flanges
for other grinding discs.
f) Do not use worn grinding discs from larger
power tools. Grinding discs for larger power tools
are not designed for the higher rotational speeds of
smaller power tools and can break.
Additional special safety instructions for abrasi-
ve cutting
a) Avoid causing blockages to the cutting disc
or high contact pressure. Do not make any ex-
cessively deep cuts. Overloading the cutting disc
increases the stress and likelihood of tilting or jam-
ming and thus the possibility of kickback or breaka-
ge of the grinding tool.
b) Avoid the area in front of and behind the rota-
ting cutting disc. When you move the cutting disc
away from yourself in the workpiece, it is possible,
in the event of a kickback, that the power tool along
with the rotating disc might be thrown out directly
towards you.
c) If the cutting disc jams or you stop working,
switch the tool off and hold it steadily in the
workpiece until the disc has completely stop-
ped turning. Never attempt to pull a rotating
20 І GB +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
cutting disc out of a cut. This could lead to
kickback. Identify and remove the cause of the
d) Do not switch the power tool back on while it is
located in the workpiece. Allow the cutting disc
to reach its full speed before you carefully con-
tinue the cut. Otherwise, the disc can jam, jump
out of the workpiece or cause kickback.
e) Support boards or large workpieces to redu-
ce the risk of the cutting disc jamming and
causing a kickback. Large workpieces can bend
under their own weight. The workpiece must be
supported on both sides of the disc: both in the vi-
cinity of the cutting disc and also at the edge.
f) Be particularly careful when making „pocket
cuts" into existing walls or other obscured are-
as. The inserted cutting disc may cut into gas or
water pipes, electrical wiring or other objects that
can cause kickback.
Residual risks
Even if you use this electric power tool in ac-
cordance with instructions, certain residual
risks cannot be rules out. The following hazards
may arise in connection with the equipment's
construction and layout:
• Lung damage if no suitable protective dust mask
is used.
• Damage to hearing if no suitable ear protection
is used.
• Health damage caused by hand-arm vibrations if
the equipment is used over a prolonged period or
is not properly guided and maintained.
Technical Data
Rated voltage:
Rated power consump-
Rated speed:
Disc width:
Thread size:
Protection class:
Noise and vibration values
The total noise values determined in accordance
with EN 60745.
sound pressure level L
uncertainty K
sound power level L
uncertainty K
Wear hearing protection.
The effects of noise can cause a loss of hearing.
Total vibration values (vector sum - three directions)
determined in accordance with EN 60745.
Vibration emission value ah = 3,91 m/s
K uncertainty = 1,5 m/s
230 V~
1200 W
9000 min
150 mm
88 dB(A)
3 dB
99 dB(A)
3 dB