Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Tool Changer Upper Lock (1x)
Tool Changer Lower Lock (1x)
Spring 3x9 (4x)
TC push pin (4x)
M3x12bT screw (4x) you removed in the previous chapter
X-carriage-cover (1x) you removed in the previous chapter
Preparing the ToolChanger
Insert each TC push pin into the holes in both metal parts.
Insert each Filament sensor sping 3x9 into the same holes as a TC push pins.
The tool changer is prepared. The springs must be sticking out.
Be careful that the springs and pins do not fall out when handling the parts.
Mise à niveau de l'Original Prusa XL Mono-outil vers Cinq têtes
4. ToolChanger assembly