The SIG7330 module is installed in the sub-rack of the NewHead Line (SIG7901 or SIG7902) series as per the
following photos. Take the module out of its packaging and install it in the required position. The packing con-
tains the following parts:
SIG7330 module;
N° 1 fast jumper for the interconnection (KPR20);
75ohm isolated load (CA75F).
After the insertion, fix the module
the screws contained in the
accessory bag. It's a "plug and play"
installation; therefore, the module is
ready to operate.
To remove the module use the handles included in the New Headline sub-rack. Remove from the back-panel the
screws of the module's to be replaced and insert the extractors into the rectangular slots. Rotate the extractors
90° to form a handle. Pull the handle with your hand to extract the module. Be careful because, after a first effort
to detach the module from the bottom panel connectors, the module can be easily removed. While removing the
module, be careful not to touch the covers because they can cause small grazes.
Fig. 1
Insert the module in the card guides
and gently push back to lock them
to the back-panel.
Fig. 2