VAS 6380B / VAS 6381B
Entering company data
The company data is printed out with every service log.
1. In the basic menu, use the cursor keys or to select
"Other selections":
2. Press ENTER to confirm.
3. Use the cursor key to select "Service.".
4. Press ENTER to confirm.
5. Enter the password "3282".
6. The company data is shown in the third line of the display (6).
You can enter five lines, each with up to 20 characters.
The display shows the number of lines of company data after the
message "Enter company data." ("01" to "05").
Use the cursor keys or to select the line of company data you
7. Use the keypad (7) and the cursor keys to enter the data.
To switch between upper and lower case, press the Info key
To delete a character, briefly press the C key.
To delete the current line, press and hold down the C key.
8. Press ENTER to confirm.
9. Press STOP. The set data is activated.
10. Press STOP again to access the standby menu.
S h o rt s e l e c t i o n
F r e e s e l e c t i o n
O t h er s e l e c t i o n s
E N T ER - O K S T O P - E X I T
Initial start-up