Rear Panel
The back panel provides the following connectors:
Keyboa rd
Hardware Setup
This chapter tells you how to install the CPU, memory modules, and expansion cards, as well as how to
setup the jumpers on the mainboard. It also provides the instructions on connecting the peripheral
devices, such as the mouse, keyboard, etc. While doing the installation, be careful in holding the
components and follow the installation procedures.
Central Processing Unit: CPU
The mainboard supports AMD ® Athlon64 processor. The mainboard uses a CPU socket called
Socket-754 for easy CPU installation. When you are installing the CPU, make sure the CPU has a heat
sink and a cooling fan attached on the top to prevent overheating. If you do not have the heat sink and
cooling fan, contact your dealer to purchase and install them before turning on the computer.
Example of CPU Core Speed Derivation Procedure
CPU Clock
Core/Bus ratio
CPU core speed
Parall el po rt
COM port
Host Clock x Core/Bus ratio
200MHz x 12
2.4 GHz
VGA port
USB ports
Li ne ln
Li ne Out