C o n t rolling the conditions under which your wines will
m a t u re
Wine pres e r vation and maturing re q u i res certain conditions:
• Te m p e ra t u re
Contro l :
E x t reme
fluctuations are your wine's wo rst enemies .
=> Thanks to its electronic regulation system, your EuroCave CL-C cellar
conditioner will trigger as soon as the temperature of the cellar rises just one
degree above the set temperature. Furthermore, the heater integrated into the
air outlet will protect your wine from any major drop in temperature.
• Stable hu m i d i ty : M a i n taining hu m i d i ty levels is essential, as this enables
the corks to effective ly seal the bott l es.
=> Its is for this re ason that the wa ter genera ted by cooling the air within
the cellar is gathered into a tank inside your Euro C ave CL-C conditioner, to
be used to incre ase hu m i d i ty in your cellar if re q u i red. The hyg ro m e t r y
l evel can be maintained at between 60 and 80% of re l a t i ve hu m i d i ty. Thes e
va l u es will be influenced by ex ternal levels of hu m i d i ty and the inte r n a l
l ayout of the cellar.
• Lack of Vibration: Your EuroCave CL-C cellar conditioner has been designed
to absorb the maximum of vibration caused by the compressor through the use
of silentblocs and the cellar conditioner being mounted on a sealing and
vibration proof foam base.
• Darkness: Just as in underground wine cellars, your wine should always be
stored in total darkness, well protected from UV rays.
How does the cellar conditioner work?
Hot air
Outside of cellar Inside of cellar
te m p e ra t u res
te m p e ra t u re
Cold air
Hot air
"If heater is operating"
The EuroCave CL-C cellar conditioner is a fan operated chiller unit. Fanned
chill operates by circulating air around the bottles inside your cellar.
The air is then drawn into the evaporator over which it once again cools and
deposits a percentage of its humidity, before starting its cycle over again.
Continual air circulation optimizes the homogeneity of temperature within your
The Control Panel
This panel is located on the front of the unit, outside the cellar. It has indicato r
l i g h ts enabling you to check the following functions:
Temperature regulation
During operation, the value shown on the control panel, when you are not using the keys,
1 Press on one of the "SET" keys (either Set 1 or Set 2),
and the symbol
is displayed.
2 Press on the key
, and the present temperature setting is displayed.
3 Increase or reduce the set value using the
4 Once you have completed setting, confirm the new value by pressing the key
again, the display will return to the actual temperature inside the cellar.
• The light indicates heating operation.
• The
compres s o r
• The thermometer displays the effective
temperature inside the cellar.