CoMPREssoR ContRols
Refer to Fig. 3.
PREssuRE switch (see A)
This switch turns on the compressor. It is operated manually, but when in the
AUTO position, it allows the compressor to start up or shut down automatically,
without warning, upon air demand. ALWAYS set this switch to OFF when the
compressor is not being used, and before unplugging the compressor.
Pressure Relief Valve (see b)
If the pressure switch does not shut down the motor when pressure reaches
the preset level, this valve will pop open automatically to prevent over
pressurization. To operate manually, pull the ring on the valve to relieve air
pressure in the tank.
tank Pressure gauge (see C)
This gauge measures the pressure level of the air stored in the tank. It is not
adjustable by the operator, and does not indicate line pressure.
notE: Not all models are equipped with the following:
Fig. 3
10- ENG