7.5 Weighing with tare
Deposit empty weighing container. Wait for stability display, then press
Zero display appears. The weight of the container is now internally saved.
Weigh the material, the net weight will be indicated.
• The balance is able to only store one taring value at a time.
• When the balance is unloaded the saved taring value is displayed with
negative sign.
• To delete the stored tare value remove load form the weighing plate and
• The taring process can be repeated any number of times, e.g. when
adding several components for a mixture (adding). The limit is reached
when the taring range capacity is full.
Percent determination
Percent weighing allows to display weight in percent, in relation to a reference
Put the nominal weight
Place the nominal weight (reference weight which corresponds to 100 %).
Wait for stability display, then press
Percent weighing /commutation
Place goods to be weighed on balance.
The weight of the item to be weighed is displayed in percent, with reference to the
nominal weight.
, the weight of the item to be weighed is displayed in the current
weighing unit e.g. gram.
. 100% is displayed.