5.4.3 Result to Roll or Roll to roll
When webbing for a result to roll or roll to roll (R2R) process, the lower rear unwind/wind-up shaft is
used to wind-up the result.
The laminates are webbed as described above.
Figure 20: Webbing image from roll to roll.
Single sided lamination;
When laminating single sided the unwind/windup shaft in the front of the lower section can be used
to unwind the images (Figure 20, A).
Double sided lamination;
The unwind/wind-up shaft in the front of the lower section is needed to unwind the botom lamination
film (Figure 20, B and C).
This means in the lower section only a laminate without a release liner can be used and the Media
Unwind option(B) or the media trough of the Easy-feed table (C) is needed to unwind the images.
Webbing the images;
Web the upper and lower section laminates as described in the previous sections.
When the release board is through the nip, cut off the board and stick the leading edge of the
result onto the cylinder on the wind-up shaft.
Set the tension control for this shaft to wind-up tension.
Pull the image to the front and feed it over the in-feed table into the nip.
When availlable, use the rollers of the Easy-feed table to enter front edge of the image roll
correctly into the nip.