300DB10090 = Transponder number
5411 = 11:54 AM
69 = 01 10 1001 = 01 access currently refused, 10 1001 = 2 9 for 29th day
D0 = 110 1 0000 = 110 transponder held in the field; 1 0000 = 10 = October
04 = year 04
42 = CRC
Command: Serial number (S)
Command description: This command is used to set and read the serial number.
The 1st byte of the serial number is the address of the transponder reader. The
„INDEX" is always 0000.
Data format: The serial number is indicated with 20 digits (10 Byte).
Reads the serial number FF123456789012345678 from the transponder reader. I.e. the
address of the transponder reader is FF (first byte).