Special accessories
Special accessories expand the scope of use of your
machine. You can obtain further information from
your Kärcher dealer.
See page 110 for illustrations.
1 Rotary nozzle
for tenacious dirt accumulation, such as moss-covered
or weathered outside surfaces
2 Spray guard for dirt blaster
3 Tube cleaning kit
for choked tubes and discharges
4 Rotary wash brush
for the cleaning of car bodies and glass surfaces
5 Wash brush
for the cleaning of smooth surfaces, e.g. car or boat
6 Wet sand blast kit
to remove rust or paint
7 Flexible jet spray lance
swivelling nozzle for the cleaning of places difficult to access
8 Triple nozzle with jet spray lance
9 Jet spray lance for places that are difficult to
extra long jet spray lance, for example, for the cleaning of
10 Floor cleaning jet spray lance
11 Jet spray lance extension, 0.5 m
12 High-pressure hose, 7.5 m
13 Hose extension
14 Large volume suction kit
15 Suction hose with filter
to suck up water reserves, e.g., from ponds and water-
16 Water filter
17 Non-return valve
18 T-Racer
for the cleaning of surfaces, e.g. terraces, entries, buil-
ding walls without splashback
Technical Data
Power supply
Voltage (at 1~50/60 Hz)
Connected load
Supply fuses (time-lag)
Safety class
Water connection
Supply temperature (max.)
Supply volume (min.)
Supply pressure (max.)
Performance data
Operating pressure
Permissible pressure max.
Flow volume
Cleaning agent metering
Recoil force of the handgun
Unit vibrations (ISO 5349)
Sound pressure level L
(EN 60704-1)
Sound power level L
Circuit Diagram
M1 Motor
Q1 Switch
S1 Pressure switch
Z1 Suppressor
EU Declaration of Conformity
We hereby declare that the equipment described below
conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and health
220-240 V
requirements of the appropriate EU Directives, both in its
1,4 kW
basic design and construction as well as in the version
10 A
marketed by us.This declaration will cease to be valid if
2, IPX5
any modifications are made to the machine without our
express approval.
40 °C
8 l/min
(12 bar) 1,2 MPa
Relevant EU Directives:
(80 bar)
8 MPa
73/23/EEC (+ 93/68/EEC)
(100 bar) 10 MPa
89/336/EEC (+ 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC)
(330 l/h) 5,5 l/min
Harmonised standards applied:
0,4 l/min
DIN EN 55014 – 1: 2000 + A1: 2001
10 N
DIN EN 55014 – 2: 1997
0,8 m/s²
DIN EN 60335 – 1
78 dB(A)
DIN EN 60335 – 2 – 79
92 dB(A)
DIN EN 61000 – 3 – 2: 2000
DIN EN 61000 – 3 – 3: 1995 + A1: 2001
450/140/250 mm
Conformity assessment procedure followed:
5 kg
Annex V
Sound power level
Appropriate internal measures have been taken to ensure
that series-production units conform at all times to the
requirements of current EU Directives and relevant
standards.The signatories are empowered to represent and
act on behalf of the company management.
Alfred Kärcher Kommanditgesellschaft. Sitz Winnenden.
Registergericht: Waiblingen, HRA 169.
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Kärcher Reinigungstechnik
GmbH. Sitz Winnenden, 2404 Registergericht Waiblingen, HRB
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernhard Graf, Hartmut Jenner, Georg Metz
Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
Cleaning Systems
Alfred - Kärcher - Str. 28-40
P.O. Box 160
D - 71349 Winnenden
Tel.: +49 7195 14-0
Fax: +49 7195 14-2212
High-pressure cleaner
90 dB(A)
92 dB(A)
5.957-684 (09/03)
H. Jenner
English - 21
S. Reiser