• Confirm with the OK key.
• The first switching time point is dis-
played (0:00), this can not be chan-
ged. The heating times are also dis-
played as bars.
• Confirm with the OK key.
• After this you can set the temperature which is desired
from 0:00 (example 17.0 °C).
• Confirm with the OK key.
• The next switching time point is dis-
played (example 6:00). You can ad-
just this individually.
• Finally set the temperature which
should prevail from 6:00.
• You can repeat this procedure un-
til all the other desired temperatu-
res for the time period from 0:00 to
23:59 have been stored.
• If all 7 switching time points have
been allocated, 23:59 is displayed
as the final switching point to be
The temperature can also be changed in Auto mode at any
time via the selector dial.The changed temperature is then
retaineduntil the next switching time point.
Up to 3 heating times (7 switching time points) with individual
temperature setting can be stored for each weekday with the
programmable radiator control unit.
8.1. Weekly program: examples