instructiOn manual
This instruction manual was designed to assist you in the
operation and maintenance of the ThermoMark 250 Handliner
and all parts associated with it.
This manual was designed as a reference for owners and
of the ThermoMark 250 Handliner to provide
information on the proper use, maintenance and repair of the
It is understood that not all situations will be covered in this
manual. Contact Titan ASE for further inquiries.
machine design
The ThermoMark 250 Handliner was engineered by Titan ASE,
to efficiently and easly apply hot applied thermoplastic road
marking materials on a wide variety of road surfaces.
Titan ASE has enhanced the quality of an "average"
thermoplastic applicator by incorporating more comfortable,
user-friendly featers. Refer to the "Features" section of the
manual for a listing of how the ThermoMark 250 Handliner
exceeds the quality of other brands on the market.
machine maintenance
With proper maintenance the ThermoMark 250 will provide
optimum performance. Please read through this manual to
understand how to use the equipment better, as well as how
to properly maintain and maximize the performance of the
ThermoMark 250 Handliner.
Keep your machine clean and in proper working order and
replace parts as necessary.
Titan ASE will assist you with any questions, concerns or repair/
replacement of parts as necessary. Just give us a call!
tOll free: 1-866-273-4357
nOtes regarding aPPlicable materials
thermOPlastic materials
The material supplier should supply only "screed" or
"extrusion" type formulas for use in this equipment. The
formulas may be either in granular or block form.
Both alkyd and hydrocarbon products may be applied with
this equipment.
Never mix alkyd and hydrocarbon materials
together, as the material will thicken to the point
where it will not flow through the discharge tube
or die.
melting the thermOPlastic
This unit is not designed to melt large quantities of
It is recommended that pre-melted
thermoplastic be transferred from a separate melting
kettle designed for that use.
bead seParatiOn in the thermOPlastic
If the applicator is allowed to stand (heating the material
without regular agitation), the glass beads in the thermoplastic
will separate and fall to the bottom of the material tank. This
condition creates two problems:
This separation will create layering, where the melted
plastic floats above the heavier un-melted glass beads,
minimizing heat transfer from the burner to the material.
Glass beads will fill the discharge tube and make it
impossible for molten plastic to travel through it.
The hotter the material, the quicker this condition
will occur.